Hailo Model Zoo v2.9
Update to use Dataflow Compiler v3.25.0 (
developer-zone <https://hailo.ai/developer-zone/>
_) -
Update to use HailoRT 4.15.0 (
developer-zone <https://hailo.ai/developer-zone/>
_) -
A new CLI-compatible API that allows users to incorporate format conversion and reshaping capabilities into the input:
hailomz compile yolov5s --resize 1080 1920 --input-conversion nv12_to_rgb
New transformer models added:
vit_pose_small_bn - encoder based transformer with batchnorm for pose estimation
clip_resnet_50x4 - Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training for zero-shot classification
New retraining dockers for vit variants using unified normalization.
New Models:
yolov8s_pose / yolov8m_pose - pose estimation
scdepthv3 - depth-estimation
dncnn3 / dncnn_color_blind - image denoising
zero_dce_pp - low-light enhancement
stereonet - stereo depth estimation
Using HailoRT-pp for postprocessing of the following models:
- efficientdet_lite0 / efficientdet_lite1 / efficientdet_lite