I had created this application as my final project during my time at General Assembly's Web Development Immersive course. I had created this application to try and showcase my coding skills after 12 weeks of coding. I had no experience of coding beforehand.
Lumni is a social media app to help graduates stay in touch by making it easier for them to plan events through communication tools such as chat, text messaging and links to other social media apps. They can also be updated with the latest industry news, weather and access information and photos from past and future events.
The application was developed with well thought out plans around the user journey, mockups, model diagram, and subsequent technical requirements. It was created using Ruby, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, JQuery, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. I also made use of Google maps, Amazon S3, a temperature API and various gems (including Devise, CanCan, Oauth and Twilio). The chat function is the most engaging feature as it allows users to interact with each other in real time.
If I could make the application again, I would apply test driven development to better formulate DRY code and make it responsive.