ay bada bing bada boom [email protected]
let there be light, my personal philips hue light controller and palette manager.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-name N, -n N Provide a name for the palette to be saved, the default is the utc timestamp at program start.
-input IN, -i IN Provide a file or directory containing files, the default is "input"
-colors C, -c C Choose the number of colors to pick per image, the default is 10.
-radius R, -r R Choose the gaussian blur radius applied to the image before clustering, the default is 4
-output OUT, -o OUT Provide the output directory, default is "output"
--save, --s Enable to save palette information in the specified output directory
--filter-grey, --fg Enable to filter out sufficiently grey colors
--display, --d Enable to display palette images during operation
-transition T, -t T Specify transition speed: fast / slow
-brightness B, -b B Specify brightness value: bright / mid / dim
-time-limit TL, -tl TL
Specify the time limit in seconds
-name foo -i example-input -o example-output --save --display --filter-grey