A one dollar gesture recognizer in dart. It can be very easily used in flutter.
This project is a direct translation of the one dollar gesture recognizer that you can find here : http://depts.washington.edu/acelab/proj/dollar/index.html.
This recognizer :
- detects gestures that are done with a single uninterrupted gesture,
- needs to be given a set of gestures it can detect to work,
- will always give an answer and returns the gesture detected to be the most similar to the gesture you analyze. The gesture detected is provided with a score indicating how similar it is.
- can be given your own gestures to detect.
You can find a full example of use in this example project.. This example is initialized with a set of test gestures to detect. You can clear the drawing screen, draw a gesture and add it to the recognizer.
To use it you need to :
Import the recognizer class.
import 'package:dollar_gesture_recognizer/dollar_gesture_recognizer.dart';
Import the math utils class to be able to use the Point class.
import 'package:dollar_gesture_recognizer/math_utils.dart';
If needed, import some test gestures.
import 'package:dollar_gesture_recognizer/gestures_examples.dart';
Init a recognizer.
var recognizer = new DollarRecognizer();
Init a recognizer with test data.
var recognizer = new DollarRecognizer.withGestures(getTestGestures());
To try recognize a gesture, provide a list of Point to the recognize methods.
List<Point> pointsToRecognize = new List<Point>();
//fill the list with points
//Launch recognition
Result result = await recognizer.recognize(pointsToRecognize, false);
Add a gesture to the recognizer.
List<Point> newGesture = new List<Point>();
//fill the list with points
recognizer.addGesture("my_gesture", newGesture);
Remove a gesture from the recognizer.