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AWS Setup
This tutorial explains how Amazon cloud instances were configured for the course. This exercise is not to be completed by the students but is provided as a reference for future course developers that wish to conduct their hands on exercises on Amazon AWS.
Before proceeding with below, first check to see if there are any Proposed Improvements to incorporate.
A helpful tutorial can be found here: https://github.com/genome/gms/wiki/Developers-guide-to-installing-the-GMS-on-an-AWS-instance
- Create a new gmail account to use for the course
- Use the above email account to set up a new AWS/Amazon user account. Note: Any AWS account needs to be linked to an actual person and credit card account.
- Optional - Set up an IAM account. Give this account full EC2 but no other permissions. This provides an account that can be shared with other instructors but does not have access to billing and other root account privelages.
- Request limit increase for limit types you will be using. You need to be able to spin up at least one instance of the desired type for every student and TA/instructor. See: http://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2014/06/19/amazon-ec2-service-limits-report-now-available/. Note: You need to request an increase for each instance type and region you might use.
- Sign into AWS Management Console: http://aws.amazon.com/console/
- Go to EC2 services
Launch a fresh Ubuntu Image. Choose an instance type of
. Increase root volume (e.g., 32GB) and add a second volume (e.g., 250gb). Review and Launch. If necessary, create a new key pair, name and save somewhere safe. Select 'View Instances'. Take note of public IP address of newly launched instance. - Change permissions on downloaded key pair with
chmod 400 [instructor-key].pem
- Login to instance with ubuntu user:
ssh -i [instructor-key].pem ubuntu@[public.ip.address]
- To allow installation of bioinformatics tools some basic dependencies must be installed first.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install make gcc zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev git cmake build-essential unzip python-dev python-numpy python3-dev python3-pip gfortran libreadline-dev default-jdk libx11-dev libxt-dev xorg-dev libxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev apache2 python-pip csh ruby-full gnuplot cpanminus r-base libssl-dev gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
- logout and log back in
We may need to run a setup script to mount a workspace folder on ephemeral (or EBS) storage. This can not really be done ahead of time in the saved AMI. See https://github.com/griffithlab/rnaseq_tutorial/blob/master/setup/preinstall.sh. This script has been provided in the home directory of the AMI. It just needs to be run at first launch of the student instance. Copy/download the preinstall.sh script to the ubuntu home directory and create the necessary dirs and links as below. But, do not run bash preinstall.sh
until later when actually spinning up student/instructor instance. NOTE: This may or may not be necessary depending on how you set up volumes and type of instance you choose. For example, if you setup an extra EBS volume (instead of relying on ephemeral storage) and mount this drive (for storing working data) and you create the appropriate fstab entries then create an AMI, new instances may just be ready to go. See https://github.com/griffithlab/rnaseq_tutorial/blob/master/setup/setup_mounts.sh
cd ~
ln -s /workspace workspace
- See https://github.com/griffithlab/rnaseq_tutorial/wiki/Installation for RNA-seq software
- Note: R in particular is a slow install.
- All tools should be installed locally (e.g., /home/ubuntu/bin/) in a different
- location from where students will install tools in their exercises.
- Paths to pre-installed tools can be added to the .bashrc file. It may also be convenient to add
export RNA_HOME=~/workspace/rnaseq
to the .bashrc file. - See https://github.com/griffithlab/rnaseq_tutorial/blob/master/setup/.bashrc.
*Note: In some installations of R there is an executable called pager that clashes with the system pager. This causes man to fail. Check with a
man ls
and if the problem exists, add the following to .bashrc:
export MANPAGER=less
sudo apt-get install tabix
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/lib/gemini
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
wget https://raw.github.com/arq5x/gemini/master/gemini/scripts/gemini_install.py
sudo python gemini_install.py $HOME $WORKSPACE/lib/gemini
# Install prerequisites
sudo apt install graphviz libgmp3-dev
wget https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/2.14.1/picard.jar
wget ftp://ftp.broadinstitute.org/pub/crd/ALLPATHS/Release-LG/latest_source_code/LATEST_VERSION.tar.gz
tar -xvzf LATEST_VERSION.tar.gz
cd allpathslg-52488/
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 gcc
ln -s /usr/bin/g++-4.8 g++
./configure --prefix=$TOOLS/allpathslg-52488/
make install
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mummer/mummer/3.23/MUMmer3.23.tar.gz
tar -zxvf MUMmer3.23.tar.gz
cd MUMmer3.23
make check
make install
wget https://github.com/fritzsedlazeck/Sniffles/archive/master.tar.gz -O Sniffles.tar.gz
tar -xzvf Sniffles.tar.gz
cd Sniffles-master/
mkdir -p build/
cd build/
cmake ..
wget https://github.com/philres/ngmlr/releases/download/v0.2.6/ngmlr-0.2.6-beta-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvzf ngmlr-0.2.6-beta-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
git clone https://github.com/lh3/bwa.git
cd bwa
git clone https://github.com/fritzsedlazeck/SURVIVOR.git
wget https://github.com/COMBINE-lab/salmon/releases/download/v0.11.3/salmon-0.11.3-linux_x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvzf salmon-0.11.3-linux_x86_64.tar.gz
git clone https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2.git
cd bedtools2
sudo make install
wget https://github.com/samtools/bcftools/releases/download/1.9/bcftools-1.9.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf bcftools-1.9.tar.bz2
cd bcftools-1.9/
./configure --prefix=$HOME
make install
sudo apt-get install gmap bowtie2 emacs25
cd $DATA
wget http://genomedata.org/seq-tec-workshop/trinity.tar.gz
tar -xvzf trinity.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq/archive/Trinity-v2.5.1.tar.gz
tar -xvzf Trinity-v2.5.1.tar.gz
cd trinityrnaseq-Trinity-v2.5.1/Chrysalis/
rm Makefile
wget http://genomedata.org/seq-tec-workshop/Makefile
cd ..
# prereq -- htslib
wget https://github.com/samtools/htslib/releases/download/1.9/htslib-1.9.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf htslib-1.9.tar.bz2
cd htslib-1.9/
./configure --prefix=$HOME
make && make install
# mosdepth
wget https://github.com/brentp/mosdepth/releases/download/v0.2.3/mosdepth
chmod +x mosdepth
git clone --recursive git://github.com/ekg/freebayes.git
cd freebayes/
make && sudo make install
git clone git://github.com/GregoryFaust/samblaster.git
cd samblaster
cp samblaster $HOME/bin/.
## prereqs
# Parallel::ForkManager
sudo cpanm Parallel::ForkManager
wget http://vat.gersteinlab.org/data/vat-2.0.1_64bit.zip
unzip vat-2.0.1_64bit.zip
wget http://genomedata.org/seq-tec-workshop/funseq/.vatrc
cp vat/* $HOME/bin
# TFMpvalue-sc2py
# originally from http://bioinfo.lifl.fr/tfm-pvalue/TFM-Pvalue.tar.gz, mirrored to genomedata due to patched install
wget http://genomedata.org/seq-tec-workshop/funseq/TFM-Pvalue.tar.gz
tar -xvzf TFM-Pvalue.tar.gz
cd TFM-Pvalue/
wget http://genomedata.org/seq-tec-workshop/funseq/Makefile -O Makefile
wget http://genomedata.org/seq-tec-workshop/funseq/TFMpvalue.cpp -O TFMpvalue.cpp
cp TFMpvalue-sc2pv $HOME/bin
# bigWigAverageOverBed
cd $HOME/bin
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/bigWigAverageOverBed
chmod +x bigWigAverageOverBed
## funseq2
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/khuranalab/FunSeq2_DC
cd $HOME/bin
ln -s $HOME/FunSeq2_DC/funseq2.sh funseq2
sudo cpanm HTML::Entities
sudo cpanm LWP::Simple
sudo cpanm XML::Simple
cd /home/ubuntu/bin/
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/entrezdirect/edirect.tar.gz
tar -zxvf edirect.tar.gz
wget http://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/sdk/current/sratoolkit.current-ubuntu64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf sratoolkit.current-ubuntu64.tar.gz
export PATH=/home/ubuntu/bin/sratoolkit.2.9.2-ubuntu64/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/home/ubuntu/bin/edirect:$PATH
#For testing
fastq-dump -X 5 -Z SRR925811
esearch -db sra -query PRJNA40075 | efetch --format runinfo | cut -d ',' -f 1 | grep SRR | head -5 | xargs fastq-dump -X 10 --split-files
mkdir -p data/fasta/GRCh38
cd data/fasta/GRCh38
wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-86/fasta/homo_sapiens/dna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-86/fasta/homo_sapiens/dna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.chromosome.22.fa.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.chromosome.22.fa.gz
wget http://tools.thermofisher.com/downloads/ERCC92.fa
mkdir ../GRCh37
cd ../GRCh37
wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-75/fasta/homo_sapiens/dna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa.gz
wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-75/fasta/homo_sapiens/dna/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna_sm.chromosome.22.fa.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna_sm.chromosome.22.fa.gz
cd ../..
mkdir -p annotations/GRCh38
cd annotations/GRCh38
wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-86/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.86.gtf.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.86.gtf.gz
cat Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.86.gtf | awk '($1 == 22)' > chr22.gtf
wget http://genomedata.org/seq-tec-workshop/ERCC92_fix.gtf
cat chr22.gtf ERCC92_fix.gtf > chr22_with_ERCC92.gtf
mkdir ../GRCH37
cd ../GRCH37
wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-75/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf.gz
We will start an apache2 service and serve the contents of the students home directories for convenience. This allows easy download of files to their local hard drives, direct loading in IGV by url, etc. Note that when launching instances a security group will have to be selected/modified that allows http access via port 80.
- Edit config to allow files to be served from outside /usr/share and /var/www
sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
- Add the following content to apache2.conf
<Directory /home/ubuntu/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
- Edit vhost file
sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
- Change document root in 000-default.conf
DocumentRoot /home/ubuntu
- Restart apache
sudo service apache2 restart
To create a snapshot of the extra workspace volume, navigate to volumes, right-click, and choose Create Snapshot. Take note of the snapshot id for reference later (e.g., snap-154dc64c)
Finally, save the instance as a new AMI by right clicking the instance and clicking on "Create Image". Enter an appropriate name and description and then save. If desired you may choose at this time to include the workspace snapshot in the AMI to avoid having to explicitly attach it later at launching of AMI instances. Change the permissions of the AMI to "public" if you would like it to be listed under the Community AMIs. Copy the AMI to any additional regions where you would like it to appear in Community AMI searches.
- cshl-seqtech-2018v2 - ami-0ee7d04a5b96e28c6 (US West - Oregon)
From AWS Console select Services -> IAM. Go to Users, Create User, specify a user name, and Create. Download credentials to a safe location for later reference if needed. Select the new user and go to Security Credentials -> Manage Password -> 'Assign a Custom Password'. Go to Groups -> Create a New Group, specify a group name and Next. Attach a policy to the group. In this case we give all EC2 privileges but no other AWS privileges by specifying "AmazonEC2FullAccess". Hit Next, review and then Create Group. Select the Group -> Add Users to Group, select your new user to add it to the new group.
- Go to AWS console. Login. Select EC2.
- Launch Instance, search for "cshl-seqtech-2018v2" in Community AMIs and Select.
- Choose "m4.2xlarge" instance type.
- Select one instance to launch (e.g., one per student and instructor), and select "Protect against accidental termination"
- Make sure that you see two snapshots (e.g., the 32GB root volume and 80GB EBS volume you set up earlier)
- Create a tag with name=StudentName
- Choose existing security group call "SSH_HTTP_8081_IN_ALL_OUT". Review and Launch.
- Choose an existing key pair (CSHL.pem)
- View instances and wait for them to finish initiating.
- Find your instance in console and select it, then hit connect to get your public.ip.address.
- Login to node
ssh -i CSHL.pem ubuntu@[public.ip.address]
. - Optional - set up DNS redirects (see below)
Rather than handing out ip addresses for each student instance to each student you can instead set up DNS records to redirect from a more human readable name to the IP address. After spinning up all student instances, use a service like http://dyn.com (or http://entrydns.net, http://dyn.com/, etc.) to create hostnames like rna01.dyndns.org, rna02.dyndns.org, etc that point to each public IP address of student instances.
Currently, all miscellaneous data files, annotations, etc. are hosted on an ftp server at the Genome Institute. In the future more data files could be pre-loaded onto the EBS snapshot.
- Files copied to: /gscmnt/sata102/info/ftp-staging/pub/rnaseq/
- Appear here: http://genome.wustl.edu/pub/rnaseq/
- Delete the student IAM account created above otherwise students will continue to have EC2 privileges.
- Terminate all instances and clean up any unnecessary volumes, snapshots, etc.
Proposed Improvements | This Section | Next Section |
Proposed Improvements | AWS Setup |
NOTICE: This resource has been moved to rnabio.org. The version here will be maintained for legacy use only. All future development and maintenance will occur only at rnabio.org. Please proceed to rnabio.org for the current version of this course.
Table of Contents
Module 0: Authors | Citation | Syntax | Intro to AWS | Log into AWS | Unix | Environment | Resources
Module 1: Installation | Reference Genomes | Annotations | Indexing | Data | Data QC
Module 2: Adapter Trim | Alignment | IGV | Alignment Visualization | Alignment QC
Module 3: Expression | Differential Expression | DE Visualization
Module 4: Alignment Free - Kallisto
Module 5: Ref Guided | De novo | Merging | Differential Splicing | Splicing Visualization
Module 6: Trinity
Module 7: Trinotate
Appendix: Saving Results | Abbreviations | Lectures | Practical Exercise Solutions | Integrated Assignment | Proposed Improvements | AWS Setup