The name's a bit of a mouthful, but "Convert-RibbonSbcConfigToWord.ps1" takes the backup file from your Sonus/Ribbon SBC 1000/2000/SWeLite gateway and creates a new Word document, with all of the important(?) configuration information captured in tables. It started life as a way to save the tedium of screen-scraping lots of fixed frames for my as-built documents, but it quickly became apparent that it would also make a useful tool for the offline review of a gateway's config (although it ain't no "UxBuilder").
Decodes SweLite, 1k & 2k gateway versions up to 12.0.1.
Converts and saves the config to a new Word document, and optionally makes a PDF of it too.
Doesn't need any Lync PowerShell modules - it's fine on your Win7-Win10 machine (which needs to have Word installed).
Tested on Word 2010 through 2021 inclusive.
Reasonably well debugged throughout (although time will tell of course!).
It's easy enough to turn off an unwanted section if you're only interested in a specific subset of the functionality, or are adapting to suit your environment.
Use the "RedactIP" switch to strip all IP addresses from the resulting file.
A "-SkipWrite" switch skips the relatively slow process of writing to Word. I added this for debugging and have left it in the released version to help anyone refining or enhancing the script.
Digicert kindly provide me with a code-signing certificate, so you don't need to drop your ExecutionPolicy to "Unrestricted". This also means you can be confident the code's not changed since it left here.
Uses your existing Word document template for the formatting of the table headings and table of contents.
It's not the fastest to run! Stuffing values into Word is a relatively slow process. With all options enabled allow up to 10 minutes for your average gateway. I've stolen Scott Hanselman's "Progress Bars in PowerShell" to help the watched pot boil.
If you find I've not captured a particularly valuable element of the config, feel free to revise it to suit your needs - and send me the new bits to incorporate, please. If you're not feeling up to it, send me a sample config file and some screen-grabs of the bit you'd like to see added.
There are MANY hash tables throughout. (This is where an integer is stored in the config file, but it's decoded to text on-screen). I've put a lot of effort into capturing these, but there are going to be examples where I've missed one. Please send me screen-grabs and sample config files and I'll update the script.
I'm largely letting Word control the width of the table columns, and you'll find many instances where it's done a poor job. You may need to edit every document the script produces to resolve this.
Backup your gateway, saving the config file somewhere accessible. Older gateway versions (pre 2.2.1) will save to an archive called "backup.tar.gz", while newer versions save as "SBC_Config_.tar"
Older backups you'll need to unzip twice to recover the "symphonyconfig.xml" document we need, whilst newer ones only need one unzip to reveal their goodness
>> If you have 7-zip installed you no longer need to unzip "SBC_Config_.tar" - just feed the .tar file as the "-inputfile" -
Open a PowerShell window
Now feed the backup into the script! Either place the config file in the same path as the script, give the full path in the command line, or a relative path:
PS H:\> Convert-RibbonSbcConfigToWord.ps1 -InputFile "symphonyconfig.xml" -OutputFile "CustomerSBC-config.docx"
If you don't specify an InputFile, the script goes looking for "symphonyconfig.xml" in its directory. If you don't specify an OutputFile, it will re-use the name of the InputFile and save as ".docx", overwriting any existing file of the same name in that directory. If you add the "-MakePdf" switch, it will save the same output filename as a .pdf as well
You can easily batch it:
PS H:\> Get-ChildItem "d:\path\*.xml" -recurse | .\Convert-RibbonSbcConfigToWord.ps1 -IncludeNodeInfo -MakePdf -SkipUpdateCheck
PS H:\> Get-ChildItem "d:\path\*.tar" -recurse | .\Convert-RibbonSbcConfigToWord.ps1 -MakePdf -SkipUpdateCheck
(Read about older versions on my blog)
- Added new bits in 12.1.0:
- New TLS ciphers added to Security / TLS Profiles / Client & Server Cipher Lists
- 'OPTIONS mode' added to SIP SigGps
- 'TcpKeepAlive' to SIP Server Tables
- 'OptionPassthrugh[SIC]' to SIP Profiles
- New protocols to $TlsProtocolLookup (for TLS Profiles)
- 'Server Cipher List' in TLS profiles
- Fixed bugs:
- '<n/a> this rls' :-)
- Added new bits found recently:
- New values to $NumberTypeLookup, and renamed to $ClgNumberTypeLookup
- Cloned $NumberTypeLookup to new $CldNumberTypeLookup, as some of the values no longer align between calling and called.
- New values to $TransferCapabilityLookup, $NumberingPlanLookup
- 'Normal' call type renamed 'Standard' in $CRDestinationTypeLookup & $CRCallPriorityLookup
- Added 'Trunk Group' as a Destination Type in call routing table entry, and suppressed display of SigGp and other parameters
- Fixed bugs:
- A Routing Table's top 'H-table' may incorrectly show a value for First Signaling Group when DestinationType is 'Deny' or 'Trunk Group'
- Added new bits in 12.0.0:
- 'Global Date/Time Format' in Logging Configuration / Global Log
- 'Session Timer Offset' in SIP Profiles. (Appears if Session Timer is 'Enable')
- Added 'Diagnostic Logging / By Call Criteria'
- Added new bits found recently:
- New transformation types added to $InputFieldLookup & $OutputFieldLookup (thanks Mike)
- Updated Logging Configuration / Global Log to show for all machine types
- Added new 1k 'mirrored port' values to $PortMirrorPortLookup
- Added new bits in 11.0.0:
- 'Enforce SG Codec Priority' in Media List
- New section 'Listen Port' in SIP
- Changed how SIP Sig Gps and SIP Recorders display 'Listen Port' info. (If new format is present it will be used, else legacy)
- Added new bits in 9.0.7:
- Added new RSA-AES-GCM cipher suites for TLS 1.2 interop
- Added new 'Media Codec Latch' in SIP Sig SPs
- Added [System.Version] declaration in Get-UpdateInfo to prevent issues where '9.0.4' is apparently > '11.0.0'
- Fixed bugs:
- Routing table 'call priority' = 'Emergency' was being reported as 'blank' due to incorrect ID in $CRCallPriorityLookup
- v11 preceeded 9.0.7 due to the staggered versioning of the soft and hard platforms.
- No new functionality, no bugs unearthed.
- No new functionality, no bugs unearthed.
- Updated for PowerShell v7 compatibility:
- Replaced all tests for "if -eq ''" with 'if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty...'
- Added '[char[]]' to multiple-value '.split()' methods
- Changed $NodeInfoArray creation from '.split()' to '-split' & added blank line test/continue
- Removed reference to [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdExportCreateBookmarks] enum
- Removed obsolete $NotificationData
- Added new bit in 9.0.4:
- Added Global Security Options / Test a Call
- No new functionality, no bugs unearthed.
- Changed Network Monitoring / Link monitors from h-table to v-table and updated to accommodate new values in 9.0.2
- Added Protocols / IPSec / Tunnel Table
- Changed some references to '<n/a>' and '' to '' to reduce ambiguity & increase consistency
- Now stamps '' into System / Node-Level Settings if the SweLite ID in nodeinfo.txt is blank
- Fixed bugs:
- Fixed bug introduced in 9.0.1 where the lower half of each SIP Server table was skipped. (Bad test of SIP Recorders)
- Suppressed display of 'Send STUN Packets' in Media / Media System Configuration for the SweLite
PLEASE let me know if you encounter any problems. All I ask is a copy of the .tar or symphonyconfig.xml file (de-identified as you wish), and a screen-grab from the browser to show me what it's meant to look like on-screen.
- G.
This script was originally published at