a text adventure made from the maze that is the Collatz conjecture
It is a work in progress at the moment.
You are randomly placed in somewhere along the tree of the Collatz numbers.
Your first task is to use use 3n + 1 to find your way back to room 1.
This first task can be completed by following a simple rule:
if your current room is even choose the door that is half that number
if the current room is odd choose the door that is triple that number plus one
The second task is to pick up an item in room three.
but how do you get from room one to room three?
It is not so easy. The room numbers are not adjacent as on the regular number
line. Rooms 3 and 4 are not next to one another. If you need help use a map.
I got the idea from a Douglas Hofstadter lecture where he was counting
Collatz numbers to see how to get from one number to another.
At the moment I have listed the path of rooms to return to room 1, which means you don’t need to do
I need to make a better explanation of the play.
I am using modulo to place objects in the rooms
see it live at:
see the code at:
first made in Python see the code at
The algorithm for finding neighbors works like this in Python
def collatzNeighbors(num):
''' get the collatz neighbors of a number
return as a immutable tuple'''
if num%2 ==0:
# form 3np1 factor
if (num-1)%3 == 0:
#print(num, (num-1)/3, "or", num*2, "or" ,num/2 )
return ((num-1)/3, num*2, num/2)
# not 3np1 factor
#print(num, "not 3np1", num*2 , "or",num/2)
return (num*2, num/2)
# cant divide by two as its odd so 3np1 and mult by 2
#print( num, "is odd so 3np1" , num*3+1, "or", num*2)
return (num*3+1, num*2)
an earlier version is on replit where it was created
as this is a retro game I am making a version for the Commodore 64
and as Commodore BASIC does not have a built in mod() function
I am using the
Here is the neighbors function in Commodore BASIC
5 print"S"
10 print"collatz neighbors"
20 input"your room";a
30 rem check if the room is mod 2
40 if a - int(a/2)*2 = 0 then 100
50 rem not even
55 rem odd rooms only have 2 doors
60 print "room is odd, only 2 doors"
70 print"room 1:", a*3+1
80 print"room 2:", a*2
90 end
100 rem checking if even room -1 mod3
110 if(a -1) - int((a-1)/3)*3 =0 then 20
120 rem not 3 n +1 factor only 2 rooms
130 print"room 1", a*2
140 print"room 2", a/2
150 end
200 rem is 3n+1 factor 3 rooms
210 print"room 1:", (a-1)/3
220 print"room 2:", a*2
230 print"room 3:", a/2
250 end
you can copy and paste into vice c64 I will create another repo with a c64 disk image
- add some more tasks in other rooms
- add a task from room to room
- make a room to room algorithm. A simple path can be current room and other room back to room one and see where they intersect
- improve room description and add more story
- make some random walking Collatz nodes of room and neighbors that stick to one another, for example one node would be [3,10,5,20] and [3,10,6] the 3 and four nodes could be different shapes
- run the rules as a 1 d cellular automata
need to add some philosophical ideas here