Symbolic Error Rate support
Add new output option that prints JSON containing the symbolic error rate (SER =
numSymbolErrors / numSymbolsInGroundTruth) to stdout (the JSON actually
contains all three numbers). Ground truth is assumed to be the second file.
If numSymbolsInGroundTruth == 0, SER will be numSymbolErrors, to avoid divide
by zero.
Add new API Visualization.get_ser_output() that returns a dict containing the
symbolic error rate.
In support of SER, notation_sizes (a.k.a. symbol counts) and diff costs (a.k.a.
symbolic error counts) have been reviewed and updated:
AnnNote.notation_size(): add 1 symbol for slash on grace note
AnnExtra.notation_size(): len(text) for the text, add 1 symbol if there is any
style specified
AnnExtra diff error count: text diff is Levenshtein distance, offset diff is
1 symbol error, duration diff is 1 symbol error, style diff is 1 symbol error
AnnLyric.notation_size(): use len(text) as symbol count instead of 1;
add 1 symbol if there's a verse number;
add 1 symbol if there's a verse identifier different from the number;
add 1 symbol if styled
AnnLyric diff cost: text diff symbol error count is the Levenshtein distance,
verse number diff is 1 symbol error, verse identifier diff is 1 symbol
error, offset diff is 1 symbol error, style diff is 1 symbol error
AnnMeasure.notation_size(): not just notes' symbols and extras' symbols, add in
the lyrics' symbols
AnnScore.notation_size(): not just parts' symbols, add in staff_groups' symbols
and metadata_items' symbols
Add support for comparing scores that have different number of parts (this previously
caused a failure). The existing parts are assumed to line up by index (as before,
score1 part 0 is compared with score2 part 0), and then we generate edits that
either delete the extra parts in score1, or add the extra parts in score2. The
number of symbol errors for those edits is simply the notation_size of (the
number of symbols in) the added or deleted parts.
Several smallish bugfixes.