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Beorum OpenAPI spec

Beorum API defined in form of OpenAPI specification


running spec inside Swagger Editor

  • you need docker on your machine
  • git clone this repo to your local machine
  • cd into cloned repo folder
  • run spec viewer via:
    make swagger-editor

Preparation of development environment

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed.
  2. Make sure you have pyenv installed. Recipe is here.


  • Install on Ubuntu Linux
  • Install on Windows
    • Install Oracle Virtual Box
    • Create Ubuntu VM
    • Install docker inside that machine


inside Docker

From main folder of repository:

make d-run

without Docker

From main folder of repository (start backend):

make b-run

From main folder of repository (start frontend, use second shell):

make f-run

Database handling

Database is stored inside Postgres container named db.

  • inside docker network beorum it is visible at db:5432
  • outside, at host machine it is available via localhost:5430

Since it is inside container, when you cleanup via make d-stop or make d-clean or this is your first run of server then you need to recreate DB before starting server, so:

  • make db-create
  • make d-run

CAUTION: remember to fill POSTGRES_PASSWORD inside .env and .env.localdev before starting db-create or d-run. Otherwise, docker compose can't properly initialize Postgres container and reports with:

db_1        | Error: Database is uninitialized and superuser password is not specified.
db_1        |        You must specify POSTGRES_PASSWORD to a non-empty value for the
db_1        |        superuser. For example, "-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password" on "docker run".
db_1        | 
db_1        |        You may also use "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust" to allow all
db_1        |        connections without a password. This is *not* recommended.

standalone DB

You may want just to start database inside container f.ex. to debug code with Pycharm. Do it via make db-up-d

database schema change

When you want to change database schema/model follow this steps:

  1. Modify schema at backend/src/app/db/
  2. Regenerate migrations: make db-make-migrations
  3. Apply migration: make db-create and check that it works
  4. Commit new migration file from backend/migrations/models/

database viewer

You may use DBeaver:
