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Creating conference management software with Angular over REST in AWS Lambda

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Creating conference management software with Angular over REST in AWS Lambda


  • Angular SPA hosted in S3+CloudFront
  • SPA talks to a REST API
  • REST API is hosted in AWS Lambda+API Gateway
  • Development environment is Angular + ExpressJS REST API
    • Key is to have one file edited, multiple deployments

Initial setup

  • npm install
    • This will setup all dependencies as specified in package.json.


Source files

All files are located in app/routes and are written in Coffeescript. Each route has two files:

  • - this is the body of the function, uploaded to AWS Lambda.
  • N.json - this is the configuration for the API Gateway of this route. It can contain the following:
    • (R) method (GET, POST, etc)
    • (R) path (The URL to respond to, can contain templating)
    • (O) requestTemplates (how to map the params given different request formats)
    • (O) responses (how to handle different response codes)
      • selectionPattern
      • responseTemplates (how to map the response given different formats)

Task Runner

The task runner is the Gruntfile, also written in Coffeescript.

Development server

To run the server, use grunt serve, then navigate to http://localhost:3000/

Running the tests

To run the tests, use grunt test (or just grunt). The expected coverage is enforced at 100%. (Enforcement is set within the package.json file.)


The deployed architecture will be:

  • The API will be versioned.
    • The initial version is v1.
    • Versions will be monotoniccally increaseing integers. (v2, v3. No decimals)
    • A new version will be required if:
      • An existing API call must change in calling syntax
      • An existing API call must be removed
      • There is a sufficiently-large change in calling semantics
  • Environments: prod-v1, stage-v1, prod-v2, stage-v2, etc
    • Dev is on your workstation
    • If a QA person wants to see your work, they check out the branch.
    • Each version will have its own set of environments.
    • Each environment can be given separate access controls.
      • Each environment will be in a separate VPC (?)
  • There will be a URL for each environment:
    • for prod
    • for
      • Initially, there will only be "stage" and "v1"
  • API gateway will have "Stages" corresponding to the environments.
    • The appropriate URLs will map to the API gateway stage for each environment.
    • The Lambda alias will map to the API gateway stage for each environment.
  • Lambda functions will be deployed into AWS to the stage Tenvironment.
    • Deployment is of all functions at the same time.
      • Even if a specific function hasn't changed.
    • This will update the stage alias for all deployed functions.
    • Deploying to a version's prod will be from the version's current stage.
    • Future: possibly deploy to prod from a known-good stage.
  • The API gateway can only be added to within the same API version.
    • Existing API syntax cannot change or be deleted in prod.
    • New API calls can be added to prod.
      • These additions will be deployed to stage, then copied from stage to prod.
    • Changes can be made to stage and other environments as development occurs.
      • These changes can only be made to things new to prod.
      • Upon deployment to prod, those items are frozen.



Unlike serverless, this project assumes that the AWS Lambda functions will only ever be called from the API Gateway or on a timed (cron) basis. There is no need to support S3 or Kinesis at this time.

The reasons for not using serverless for operations are because it does NOT:

  • provide an appropriate level of abstraction from AWS details
  • handle the initial steps correctly
  • transparently handle key management
  • enable a purely CLI (no UI) operations infrastructure
  • support the SDLC required by most enterprises:
    • provide a good way to manage versioning
    • lock the production API Gateway definitions
    • force promotion from stage to prod in lockstep

These reasons are in addition to the issues with the development environment:

  • No support for containers
  • No support for a development ExpressJS application
  • No support for preambles (DB connection code)

Initial steps

All of these steps are scripted. This documentation is provided for a reader's convenience. Please see the appropriate scripts in devops/provisioning for exact details.

These steps must be taken by someone with extended IAM privileges. However, this will only ever be needed to be done once.

  • Create necessary IAM roles
    • There is an IAM role for creating a new environment/version
    • There is an IAM role for deploying to prod-[all versions]
    • There is an IAM role for deploying to stage-[all versions]
  • Create and manage any necessary other items, such as datastores.

Create a new environment/version

All of these steps are scripted. This documentation is provided for a reader's convenience. Please see the appropriate scripts in devops/provisioning for exact details.

  • Create the Route53 URLs
  • Create the API Gateway elements
  • Create and deploy stub AWS Lambda functions within the right stage.

Deploy a new version

All of these steps are scripted. This documentation is provided for a reader's convenience. Please see the appropriate scripts in devops/provisioning for exact details.

  • To non-production:
    • Update all Lambda functions simultaneously and move the alias(es)
    • Update any new-to-production API GW definitions
  • To production:
    • Point the prod alias to where the stage alias points for all functions
    • Apply any new-to-production API GW definitions


  • Deploy to AWS
    • Initial steps
      • IAM
      • VPC (?)
      • CloudFormation (?)
      • What does an initial-stepper need from IAM?
    • New environment / version steps
      • Route53
      • KMS
      • VPC (?)
      • API Gateway
      • AWS Lambda
      • What does an new-version-maker need from IAM?
    • Modify an environment/version's access controls
      • What does a access-controller need from IAM?
    • Deploy new version (updating Lambda and API Gateway)
      • What does a deployer need from IAM?
      • Do we want a different IAM for stage vs. prod (edit/delete API-GW)
    • Extend the development environment to support versions
  • Extend the functions to add counting hits (use DynamoDB / RDS)
    • Provide a container for datastore in dev
    • Provide preamble support for DB connections
    • Provide a NodeJS container to run the ExpressJS application
  • Hoist app/ out of app/ to save a directory level
    • Release it to NPM?
  • Sample app needs 2 different versions to show it off.
  • Support cronjobs vs. API calls


Creating conference management software with Angular over REST in AWS Lambda






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