[STABLE] it can run weeks without downtime!
with Hardware Monitor!
- Linux Ubuntu / lUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS |RECOMMENDED|
- Linux Ubuntu / lUbuntu 17.10.1 (NOT TESTED BY US, BUT SHOULD WORK)
- Register a new account on https://minerstat.com
- Create a new worker (Node, Linux , AMD/Nvidia)
- Mofify your configs in Config Editor -> Save
- Open Terminal and Type:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coinscrow/minerstat-linux/master/install.sh; chmod 777 install.sh; sh install.sh
- Make sure you give correct login token and worker name to the install script (!case sensitive!).
- After the install script you are ready to use our Linux Client!
minerstat-start | Start mining with console & mining output
minerstat-stop | Stop mining and minerstat
minerstat-start-bg | Same as minerstat-start just in the background, ideal for SSH
minerstat-console | View mining output (Only for BG mod)
You can see mining process by type minerstat-console
to the terminal.
Ctrl + A | Crtl + D to safety close the minerstat-console
Ctrl + C command quit from the process / close minerstat.
Profit Switch by Minerstat
CCminer-Tpruvot (Nvidia Multi Miner)
CCminer-Alexis (Nvidia - better Skein algo)
CCminer-DJM34 (Nvidia XZC Miner)
CCminer-Krnlx (Nvidia - Better Xevan algo)
Ethminer (Nvidia/AMD EthHash Miner)
Claymore-Dual (Nvidia/AMD ETH/DCR Miner)
Claymore-Equihash (AMD ZEC Miner)
Claymore-Cryptonote (AMD XMR Miner)
Ewbf-Equihash (AMD ZEC Miner)
SGMiner (NVIDIA/AMD Multi Algo)
Switch miner from the website
Modify miner settings from the website (pools etc..)
Restart mining
Hardware Monitor (nvidia, amd) (Under testing)
Profit Switch (Between Coins and Algos)
Noticed something? Have you got any idea to make it better?
Feel free to write us a message: app @ minerstat.com
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 / lUbuntu
© 2017 - https://minerstat.com - Mining Monitor