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John Graybeal edited this page Aug 14, 2014 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

Would you like to contribute? Awesome!

Here is what you'll need to know.

Repository organization

All files for the website and the cf documents are in the repository.

The logic behind the three repos in is:

    • has all the files needed for the website and specification documents
    • automatically publishes results from its updated content at
    • has an issues page to capture issues with the site content
  • repository-cf
    • is the original un-touched svn repo from before it crashed
    • is being kept as a fall back, because it seemed safer to convert and save this repo then trash it
  • cf-vocab-editor
    • a fork of the project which contains software used for updating cf standard name tables
    • this software is not maintained here, but in the upstream repository

Making changes

The website is using GitHub's native pages (using jekyll). To make a change it will go something like this:

  1. update the the file of interest in Data/* directory where * is the rest of the path to your file
  2. if working in a local fork, commit and test the update locally
  3. if you can't push your changes, provide them via a pull request
  4. commit the changes on the primary GitHub repository
  5. verify that the site has automatically updated

Example for doing local testing

This example assumes you have forked the repository into your local environment.

First install ruby, ruby-gem plugin, and jekyll if not installed. Ruby can be installed many ways. (Ruby-gem is pre-installed with Ruby 1.9 or later ).

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-gem // for ubuntu
sudo brew install ruby ruby-gem  // for mac if using homebrew

Install the jekyll gem. gem install jekyll

To verify installations, use ruby -v, gem -v, and jekyll -v. Now you are ready to work.

Next update the files you want to change, following the above instructions. For example:

cd ~/Projects/
vim cf-standard-names-table-26.html
cd ~/Projects/
jekyll build

This should have produced .html files in the _sites directory which you can use for local testing. (For higher-fidelity testing, follow GitHub's instructions to serve the site through your local web server, the way that GitHub would serve it.)

If all looks good commit the changes. (Even if you did a commit after your file modification above, the jekyll build creates lots of changes to other files.)

git add .
git commit -am "MBH: adding in updates to cfsn 26"
git push

If this just pushes to your local repository on GitHub, you can now confirm the changes have arrived on GitHub, and generate the pull request for those changes to be included in the primary repository.

Once the primary repository has been updated, review at the site to confirm it has updated and is correct.

Clone this wiki locally