🪲 Bug fixes
GraphQLPostInvocationInputParser may distort query string read from HttpServletRequest #385
Shutdown executor and provide new endpoint constructor #388
A multipart graphql request is sensitive to the default charset of the jvm #392
Use utf-8 charset by default #406
Support new GraphQLContext #393
Uncaught exception thrown by HttpRequestInvokerImpl.invoke() causes main thread to "hang" #403
Unable to handle exceptions raised by validation on parsing prior to GraphQL execution #440
Allow unparseable query to be logged as a warning instead of an error or allow exception to be handled by server developer #435
update dependency com.graphql-java:graphql-java to v18.3
update dependency to v31 #381
update plugin biz.aqute.bnd.builder to v6.3.1 #383
update plugin org.sonarqube to v3.4.0.2513 #449
update dependency gradle to v7.5 #454
update dependency org.objenesis:objenesis to v3.3 #460
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