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Brian Ketelsen edited this page May 23, 2015 · 8 revisions

Put your whiteboard ideas here

We'll prioritize them or flesh them out more

{deployment} It would be most simple to have a single binary deployment for both the static and dynamic bits of congo (admin + conference website) That may not be ideal for other reasons, but a single app that serves the admin, cfp, conference website, etc, would be easiest to deploy.

  • As much as I dislike Javascript, it makes sense for the main congo app to be 100% REST and have consumers that publish/edit that data. The admin site can be a consumer/producer. Individual conference sites can be consumers.

  • Generators are the future. We should make a conference site generator that produces an unstyled front-end app that consumes the congo API for a specific conference-id/key

Feature Ideas


  • DP - Schedule editor and API

    • Calendaring and scheduling can be hard. There are various efforts that have built companies around this (Sched,
    • Would respect sessions, tracks
    • A schedule API could a) ease building of display, b) support embeddable widgets on other sites for cross-promotion
  • DP - Organizer Financial Dashboard

    • Tickets sold/available
    • Revenue expected/actual
    • Expense planning and receipt management (plenty of mobile scenarios to consider)
  • DP - Document management

    • Probably a simple wrapper around Dropbox, Google Drive, etc...simplify logging in and finding documents
    • Contracts, insurance policies, press release, etc.
  • SB - video conference integration

    • it would be great to integrate (with multiple backends?) with a video conference solution so a congo conference can also be attended remotely.

Back-End Concerns

  • DP - Ticketing Provider interface for swappable ticketing systems
    • The real decision here is whether to defer this abstraction until a later time and just implement for Tito for
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