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Brian Ketelsen edited this page May 24, 2015 · 8 revisions

This page describes the users of Congo and the tasks that they should be able to perform. Note that many of these tasks are advanced, many versions away from the first usable version, and no attempt is made in this document to break these various tasks down into releases. Constituents (or Actors in other parlance) represent the basis of Role Based Access Control (RBAC) requirements, too.

Administrator - SuperUser to create Conferences

  • Administrator can log into the system and choose a Conference to work on
  • Administrator can create new conferences -- GopherCon is a conference

Event Planner - a person in charge of organizing an EVENT

  • Event Planner can add Events to a conference - an Event is an instance of a conference. GopherCon 2015 is an event
  • Event Planner can change details about a Conference and an Event
  • Event Planner can Accept a Proposal to Speak

Speaker - a person who would like to speak at an EVENT

  • Speaker can log into an Event and make a Proposal to speak
  • Speaker can log into an Event and change details about a Proposal
  • Speaker can log into the System and create a Speaker Profile
  • Speaker must create a Speaker Profile before Speaker can create a Proposal

CFP Reviewer - a person who rates PROPOSALS for suitability at an EVENT

  • Reviewer can log into an Event and review Proposals
  • Reviewer can assign a Proposal a rating of 0 to 5 stars
  • Reviewer can make public comments on a Proposal that will be visible to everyone (even public)
  • Review can make private comments on a Proposal that will be visible only to Conference Planner, Administrator, and other Reviewers

Sponsor - An outside entity that provides money to an EVENT in exchange for publicity and recognition

  • Sponsor can log into the website and electronically sign a Sponsor contract for an EVENT
  • Sponsor can log into the website and change/enter Sponsor details
    • Logos in various formats (vector required, web-ready required)
    • Marketing blurb - 1-2 paragraphs to display on Sponsor page

Vendor - an outside entity that provides a service for a fee to the Event

  • Vendor can log into the website and view event details
    • Max and current attendance numbers
  • Vendor can submit invoices
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