Microsoft SEAL is an easy-to-use open-source (MIT licensed) homomorphic encryption library developed by the Cryptography Research group at Microsoft.
SealPIR allows a client to download an element from a database stored by a server without revealing to the server which element was downloaded.
pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existing C++ code.
Seal-PIR for Python creates bindings for the Microsoft Seal-PIR library using pybind11.
- Setup
- Build bindings
Ensure Microsoft SEAL, Microsoft SEAL python bindings, SEAL-PIR, and pybind11 are correctly built and installed.
This is version v1.0.0 of SealPIR-Python bindings.
Recommended: Clang++ (>==10.0) or GNU G++ (>=9.4), CMake (>=3.16)
# Clone repo
$ git clone
$ cd SealPIR-Python
# Initialize submodules
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
# Build SEAL
$ cd src/SealPIR/SEAL
$ cmake --build build
# Build SealPIR
$ cd ..
$ cmake .
$ make
# Build bindings
$ cd ../..
$ python build_ext -i
# Test
$ cp seal.*.so ./test
$ cp sealpir.*.so ./test
$ python ./test/
To run the tests and use the SealPIR bindings, the SEAL-Python bindings must be generated: they can be built with SEAL-Python.
SealPIR-Python uses Microsoft SEAL and Seal-PIR. Python bindings for Microsoft SEAL are also required and can be built with SEAL-Python.
Minor modifications were made to the SealPIR library to use data types that are compatiblie with pybind11 and python.