This repo provides a dirt simple load test schedule to show the simplest, happiest-pathiest go-lo loadtest.
You will need:
- A go-lo stack built and running
installed and running- The golang compiler/ ecosystem from your package manager or from here
- This repo
The simplest compilation is:
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o schedule
This will statically compile any dependant libraries into the binary- this will help ensure your schedule can run on remote hosts without having to install extra libraries.
If, however, you're on a non-linux machine and you're running go-lo with docker or remotely on linux you will need to do:
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o schedule
If running on localhost:
$ golo-cli -f sched.toml
If running on a remote host:
$ GOLO_HOSTS= golo-cli -f sched.toml --provider env
For further options, see
Visit your chronograf node, open the Data Explorer
tab and run:
SELECT count("size") AS "count_size" FROM "simple_job_runner"."autogen"."request" WHERE time > now() - 5m GROUP BY time(1s), "url"
This should show you a graph of requests per second by url, and is the simplest chart possible.