Micro Coffeescript framework for use instead of Backbone.View to avoid requiring underscore and the whole backbone framework.
Supported Backbone.View features :
- DOM Events delegation (with prototype.events property)
- Class-level events API (listenTo / stopListening / on / off / trigger)
- Automatic element assignation (this.$el) and scoped finders (this.$(selector))
Add to your Gemfile and bundle :
gem 'vertebra'
Require the framework :
//= require vertebra
Here's a simple example API usage covering most of the Vertebra supported features.
class MyPanel extends Vertebra.View
'click .trigger-button': 'buttonClicked'
# Like for Backbone, use the `#initialize` method isteand of `#constructor`
# to hook into class instanciation
initialize: ->
@form = new MyForm(el: @$('form'))
# Class-level events API
@listenTo(@form, 'submit', @onFormSubmit)
buttonClicked: ->
# Button clicked here
onFormSubmit: ->
# Form submitted here
class MyButton extends Vertebra.View
'submit': 'onSubmit'
onSubmit: ->
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.