Apart from the regular files created by Django/Wagtail this repository contains:
addons - Python/Django applications that have been packaged for easy deployment on Divio
├── api - App responsible for the API to get the Services and all their information. Used by the Big Sis Chatobot.
├── blog - App responsible for the the Blog section of the website (Wagtail Page types: BlogIndexPage, BlogCategoryPage, PostPage)
├── helpers - App that includes template tags and helpers used throughout the app and a global settings model.
├── pages - App responsible for the the Content pages of the website (Wagtail Page types: HomePage, AboutPage, ContentPage)
├── services - App responsible for the the Services/Clinics database the website (Wagtail Page types: ServiceFinderPage, ServicePage, ServiceType, ServiceLocation)
├── theme - Third party app (django-tailwind) used for front-end development.
templates/ - Application html files/templates
├── blog/ - Blog app Templates files
├── includes/ - Footer and main navigation template files
├── pages/ - Pages app template files
├── sevices/ - Services app template files
├── 404.html - 404 Template
├── 500.html - 500 Template
├── base.html - Base Template
├── robots.txt - Robots.txt file
├── seo.html - Template for SEO meta tags
docker-compose.yml - YAML file defining services, networks, and volumes for a Docker application.
.env-local - A file containing enviromental variables used in local development.
Dockerfile - The dockefile used by our application to assemble an image.
Procfile - Commands that are executed by the app on startup.
requirements.txt - List of dependencies
Requirements: Docker and Docker Compose (Docker Compose is included with Docker Desktop for Mac and Windows). Open a terminal and follow the below instructions:
# 1. Build the containers
docker-compose build
# 2. Install frontend dependencies
docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py tailwind install
# 1. Start server
docker-compose up
# Then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py tailwind start
docker-compose run --rm web python manage.py tailwind build
# https://docs.divio.com/en/latest/introduction/01-installation/