In this project we explored the problem of classifying pairs of MNIST images based on whether one number was larger than the other using deep neural network. In order to reach this goal, the baseline was set to a naive network with no training on the image classes. This network was then gradually improved by using mechanisms such as auxiliary losses and weight sharing, that led us to build a siamese network. The performance achieved by this network was satisfactory for the objective, with an overall accuracy of 94.5% over 25 epochs of training performed in 7.59 s.
The minimum requirements for the
(tested on version 3.8)- pip (tested on version 20.2.3) (For package installation, if needed)
(tested on version 1.6.0)Matplotlib
(tested on version 3.3.2)
NOTE: If you have LaTeX installed on your machine, you can uncomment lines
to produce plots with a "LaTeX style".
- Open CMD/Bash
- Activate the environment with needed packages installed (if you have Anaconda or any virtual environment on your machine)
- Move to the src folder, where the
is located - Execute the command
with zero or more of the following arguments:
Optional arguments:
-validation Run validation on the chosen model. If not set, already
selected best parameters will be used. (default false)
-sgd Train the selected model with SGD instead of Adam. The best
parameters will be automatically loaded. Note: the performance
of SGD are tested as worse and slower,for this reason the
validation algorithm is available only for Adam optimizer (default false)
-plots Create the accuracy/loss plot over epochs for the selected
model as shown in the report. This option deactivates
printing of mean training time, as it creates overhead. (deafult false)
-n_runs N_RUNS Define number of runs of the train/test process with the
selected model (default 10)
Possible models:
Select one of the three possible models
-baseline Run Baseline model
-siamese Run Siamese model (default model)
-notsiam Run Non Siamese model
Detailed explanation of the results we achieved can be found in our Report and inside the plot folder, where you can find the accuracy and the loss we achieved with our implementations (Baseline, Siamese and Not Siamese networks).
├── extra_stuff
│ ├── ee559-miniprojects.pdf
│ └──
├── Project1_Report.pdf
└── src
├── plot
│ ├── acc_Baseline_15runs.pdf
│ ├── acc_NonSiamese_15runs.pdf
│ ├── acc_Siamese_15runs.pdf
│ ├── losstot_Baseline_15runs.pdf
│ ├── losstot_NonSiamese_15runs.pdf
│ └── losstot_Siamese_15runs.pdf
Even if all the random seeds are set in the
, Pytorch
always has a bit of randomness.
For this reason, the reader is advised that different runs with the same parameters, and also different runs of CV can produce slightly different results.