helpful bash scripts
These scripts are convenient and useful for day-to-day work. I've created this repo to track changes to them and to have a backup in case of disaster.
~Greg Hesla
Add missing certificates to all java JREs installed on the local computer.
- This needs a bit of work before it's ready for prime time.
~Greg Hesla
Cleans out the hummingbird project's compiled stuff that eclipse may refuse to clean up. May no longer be relevant
~Greg Hesla
This script automates many of the tasks for deploying DrFirst for a given client.
BIN=abcde USERNAME=vendorab123 PASSWORD="abc123" PRACTICE_USER=ab123 ./
~Greg Hesla
Stand up a database container for various environments. No longer relevant, as I just use a locally installed PostgreSQL server that was installed with homebrew
~Greg Hesla
Merge another git repo into the current git repo.
From the root directory of the project that you want to mergo into path/to/directory
~Greg Hesla
Display a git cheat sheet with commonly used git commands
~Greg Hesla
Used to test keycloak-secured endpoints in api servers.
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/kcCurl
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/kcCurl
~Brad Durrow
Used to switch easily between clusters in OpenShift
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/oc-switch
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/oc-switch
~Brad Durrow.
Finds workloads that are having problems in OpenShift.
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/oc-wlc
~Greg Hesla
This has been deprecated in favor of defining a function in .bashrc that accomplishes the same thing
Alias to perform a git merge from a branch with the pattern stories/{xxx}/story
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/pimmer
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/pimmer
~Greg Hesla
Update the necessary files in PIM with new version number.
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/pim-version
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/pim-version
~Greg Hesla
Switch between postgresql versions. This only works for version of postgresql installed via HomeBrew.
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/postgres-switch
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/postgres-switch
~Greg Hesla
Convenience script for querying mumms databases.
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/query
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/query
~Greg Hesla
Run a sql query against all tenant databases.
For ease of use, this is symlinked to /usr/local/bin/queryTenants
for global access
ln -hsf `pwd`/ /usr/local/bin/queryTenants
~Brandon Deriso/Greg Hesla
Validate that the HBEE.ear is ready to be deployed.