zeek wazuh
donwload docker image
docker pull ghaem51/zeekwazuh:1.0.0
after that clone repo and run
docker-compose up
default log path /var/log/zeek
default interface eno1
edit docker-compose for update log path and interface
example log output:
"ts": "2022-03-15T12:57:59.305343Z",
"uid": "CqWXmb3AnR6tEhsUZk",
"identifier.orig_h": "",
"identifier.orig_p": 38882,
"identifier.resp_h": "",
"identifier.resp_p": 443,
"proto": "udp",
"duration": 0.2741379737854004,
"orig_bytes": 0,
"resp_bytes": 5630,
"conn_state": "SHR",
"missed_bytes": 0,
"history": "Cd",
"orig_pkts": 0,
"orig_ip_bytes": 0,
"resp_pkts": 7,
"resp_ip_bytes": 5826,
"bro_engine": "CONN"
I change id field with identifier and add bro_engine to simple rule decode for wazuh
wazuh agent group config: