Escalating Issues V1 (ongoing)
This will allow marking an issue as archived until escalating.
By: @scttcper (#51765, #51852, #52048, #51766, #51735, #51671, #51158, #51185, #51187)
Grouping Release (2023-01-01 config)
Added new language/platform specific stack trace grouping enhancements rules that should make the default grouping experience better. This includes JavaScript, Python, PHP, Go, Java and Kotlin.
Search Shortcuts (ongoing)
Make common searches more accessible and discoverable for users. notion page
By: @scttcper (#51564, #51565, #51194)
Various fixes & improvements
- meta(routing) Sync with product-owners.yml in security-as-code@4447d434 (#52367) by @getsantry
- fix(ui): Set lazy calendar component type (#52381) by @scttcper
- chore(gh-comments): Drop pr window to 7 days for rollout (#51837) by @AniketDas-Tekky
- ref(autocomplete): convert test to tsx (#52357) by @JonasBa
- feat(functions): Tune function trends default threshold (#52346) by @Zylphrex
- fix(starfish): Time spent local was always querying light time spent (#52374) by @shruthilayaj
- ref(tests): convert test to tsx (#52368) by @JonasBa
- feat(slack): slack channel lookup via schedule message (#52034) by @chloeho7
- feat(crons): Change crons groupcategory name (#52037) by @rjo100
- feat(perf-detector-threshold-configuration) Added frontend changes for more threshold configurations. (#52262) by @Abdkhan14
- fix(hc): Prevent exception from siloed_atomic (#52326) by @RyanSkonnord
- feat(escalating-issues): Update MsTeams integration to use Group substates (#51756) by @NisanthanNanthakumar
- ref(crons): Remove references to crons-issue-platform flag (#52036) by @rjo100
- Ref(generic-metrics): set default for index-tag-values to False (#52370) by @john-z-yang
- feat(github-comments): use internal feature flag (#52002) by @cathteng
- fix(ui): Export named constants from forms (#52361) by @scttcper
- fix(mute-metric-alerts): Use incident link in metric alert emails for muting (#52363) by @roggenkemper
- feat(starfish): API module consistency and continuity updaes (#52347) by @edwardgou-sentry
- fix(mute-metric-alerts): Add query params to incident redirect (#52362) by @roggenkemper
- fix(github-comments): update option toggle copy (#52354) by @cathteng
- nit: Update fly build config (#52301) by @nhsiehgit
- ref: django 3.x does not pass None groups to views any more (#52341) by @asottile-sentry
- meta(routing) Sync with product-owners.yml in security-as-code@3d4fceac (#52355) by @getsantry
- ref: make app label an identifier (#52342) by @asottile-sentry
Plus 790 more