Repository for nao code development. The goal is to develop 3 tests:
1. Put off the fire: the robot must check which kitchen fire is lit, and put it off by pressing the corresponding button.
2. Shopping list: the robot must recognize which products (from a pre-defined set) are available on the shelves, and which other products are missing, and make a shopping-list.
For this task OpenCV 3.0 is needed to compute AKAZE features.
ROS do not support OpenCV 3.0, so you need a modified version of vision_opencv(cv_bridge)
With this new repositories, you must uninstall this precompiled respositories:
sudo apt-get autoremove ros-hydro-cv-bridge
Probably, with this command rqt_image_view
will be uninstalled or simply won't work. Until now, I haven't found the public code to modify it.
3. Meal preparation: the robot must grasp a tomato and put it into a cooking pan.