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Adds an updated version of the Jupyter notebook tutorial for the onse…
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…t of convection
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ljhwang committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent d34caed commit d77075c
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Showing 30 changed files with 14,179 additions and 0 deletions.
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions cookbooks/convection-box/tutorial-onset-of-convection/
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Author: Lorraine J. Hwang, Ian Rose, Juliane Dannberg and the ASPECT development community

# Introduction to ASPECT

This notebook is based on tutorials by J. Dannberg that provide a basic introduction to ASPECT.
This notebook demonstrates the onset of convection and the Nusselt-Rayleigh number relationship.

To run, copy the contents of this directory to your workspace.

## Running using ASPECT Jupyter Notebooks tool

The current version is verified to run within the ASPECT Jupyter Notebooks tool which can be launched from the CIG website:

## Running on your desktop

If you run in your local JupyterLab environment, note the following dependencies:

* Python 3.8.5
* IPython 7.19.0
* Jupyterlab 3.2.1
* Jupyter widget extension 1.0.0 (see Appendix B)
* matplotlib 3.3.2
* numpy 1.19.2
* tables
* ipympl
* scipy
* glob

## Running using Docker
The current version of the docker container supports an older version of ASPECT. The model_input directory contains two files with `_old` in its name which will work with this container.

Use at your own risk.

Here are the old instructions

A. Install Docker

B. Download the docker image
> docker pull tjhei/aspect-jupyter
1. Start Docker
2. In a terminal window, navigate to directory where your model input is located:
> cd my_directory/ModelInput
3. Load the Jupyter extension for widgets:
>jupyter nbextension enable widgetsnbextension --py --sys-prefix
4. Spin up Timo’s container with Jupyter notebooks and map your current working directory as input:
> docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/home/dealii/aspect/model_input:ro" -d -p 8888:8888 --name tmpnb-aspect-jupyter tjhei/aspect-jupyter --NotebookApp.token=' '
5. In a browser, type:
> http://localhost:8888/tree?
6. Upload this notebook and the image files.

Remember you are now running in a Docker container and NOT your desktop.

**Common problems:**

unexpected error address already in use.
change your local host address 8887:8888
change this to 8887 in step 5

You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
Easiest solution (somewhat heavy handed) stop your container, prune, and check.

> docker stop CONTAINER_ID
> docker container prune
> docker ps -a
## Packages install

The heat flux slider requires the installation of two additional packages.

**Adding Jupyter widgets**

You should have added this in Step 3 above:
> jupyter nbextension enable widgetsnbextension --py --sys-prefix
**Installing tables**
> conda install tables

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@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
# A description of convection in a 2d box. See the manual for more information.

# At the top, we define the number of space dimensions we would like to
# work in:
set Dimension = 2

# There are several global variables that have to do with what
# time system we want to work in and what the end time is. We
# also designate an output directory.
set Use years in output instead of seconds = false
set End time = 0.1
set Output directory = output-convection-box2

# Then there are variables that describe the tolerance of
# the linear solver as well as how the pressure should
# be normalized. Here, we choose a zero average pressure
# at the surface of the domain (for the current geometry, the
# surface is defined as the top boundary).
set Linear solver tolerance = 1e-7
set Temperature solver tolerance = 1e-10

set Pressure normalization = surface
set Surface pressure = 0

# Then come a number of sections that deal with the setup
# of the problem to solve. The first one deals with the
# geometry of the domain within which we want to solve.
# The sections that follow all have the same basic setup
# where we select the name of a particular model (here,
# the box geometry) and then, in a further subsection,
# set the parameters that are specific to this particular
# model.
subsection Geometry model
set Model name = box

subsection Box
set X extent = 1
set Y extent = 1

# The next section deals with the initial conditions for the
# temperature (there are no initial conditions for the
# velocity variable since the velocity is assumed to always
# be in a static equilibrium with the temperature field).
# There are a number of models with the 'function' model
# a generic one that allows us to enter the actual initial
# conditions in the form of a formula that can contain
# constants. We choose a linear temperature profile that
# matches the boundary conditions defined below plus
# a small perturbation:
subsection Initial temperature model
set Model name = function

subsection Function
set Variable names = x,z
set Function constants = p=0.01, L=1, pi=3.1415926536, k=1
set Function expression = (1.0-z) - p*cos(k*pi*x/L)*sin(pi*z)

# Then follows a section that describes the boundary conditions
# for the temperature. The model we choose is called 'box' and
# allows to set a constant temperature on each of the four sides
# of the box geometry. In our case, we choose something that is
# heated from below and cooled from above. (As will be seen
# in the next section, the actual temperature prescribed here
# at the left and right does not matter.)
subsection Boundary temperature model
set Model name = box

subsection Box
set Bottom temperature = 1
set Left temperature = 0
set Right temperature = 0
set Top temperature = 0

# We then also have to prescribe several other parts of the model such as
# which boundaries actually carry a prescribed boundary temperature, whereas
# all other parts of the boundary are insulated (i.e., no heat flux through
# these boundaries; this is also often used to specify symmetry boundaries).
subsection Model settings
set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = bottom, top

# The next parameters then describe on which parts of the
# boundary we prescribe a zero or nonzero velocity and
# on which parts the flow is allowed to be tangential.
# Here, all four sides of the box allow tangential
# unrestricted flow but with a zero normal component:
set Zero velocity boundary indicators =
set Prescribed velocity boundary indicators =
set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = left, right, bottom, top

# The following two sections describe first the
# direction (vertical) and magnitude of gravity and the
# material model (i.e., density, viscosity, etc). We have
# discussed the settings used here in the introduction to
# this cookbook in the manual already.
subsection Gravity model
set Model name = vertical

subsection Vertical
set Magnitude = 1e4 # = Ra / Thermal expansion coefficient

subsection Material model
set Model name = simple # default:

subsection Simple model
set Reference density = 1
set Reference specific heat = 1
set Reference temperature = 0
set Thermal conductivity = 1
set Thermal expansion coefficient = 1
set Viscosity = 1

# The settings above all pertain to the description of the
# continuous partial differential equations we want to solve.
# The following section deals with the discretization of
# this problem, namely the kind of mesh we want to compute
# on. We here use a globally refined mesh without
# adaptive mesh refinement.
subsection Mesh refinement
set Initial global refinement = 5
set Initial adaptive refinement = 0
set Time steps between mesh refinement = 0

# The final part is to specify what ASPECT should do with the
# solution once computed at the end of every time step. The
# process of evaluating the solution is called `postprocessing'
# and we choose to compute velocity and temperature statistics,
# statistics about the heat flux through the boundaries of the
# domain, and to generate graphical output files for later
# visualization. These output files are created every time
# a time step crosses time points separated by 0.01. Given
# our start time (zero) and final time (0.5) this means that
# we will obtain 50 output files.
subsection Postprocess
set List of postprocessors = velocity statistics, temperature statistics, heat flux statistics, visualization, heat flux map

subsection Visualization
set Time between graphical output = 0.00
set Output format = hdf5


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