is a game platform for programmers, your codes runs in your computers and act in online games, better codes will win the game.
And you can write your own! created games and load them for players to play.
I. core
core is the main server of the game, It load the games form it's games folder and run it for clinets,
core have 2 interfaces:
interface for clients to connect to it.json-UI
api forweb-UI
and others to connect it.
II. clients
clients are any programmers codes that want's to play games, we support many programming languages for clients.
III. web-UI comming sooon...
is the web interface of the game, user managment, generating games, rankings,...
note that web-UI
is just a better user interface from json-UI
You need to install Nodejs (version >= 6.9.1) and mongodb.
clone this repo or download .zip
file ,go in the folder,
$ npm install
$ node app.js
For running clients you need to choose your languages and install it's dependancy, you have to check client-API repo.
The basic idea was useing sockets
for communicating beteen core
project that run server and judge the result, clients
thatplay the game and monitor
that view the game , we use in implementing in Nodejs.
All the projects are under contribute and you can join in every part you want by pull requests.
- cumunicate uuid.
- cleaner names in db.
- delete uuid in db and use users
instead. - map players on map by something else(not players uuid).
- cpp client.
- python client.
- start