Algolearn. What is it? If you are a student, teacher, or just a person who wants to understand the algorithms, their structure, to know why they are needed, then you should know about our project. We are the Algolearn team, which has made a learning platform for you on algorithms, where you can become a student or teacher, receive or transfer your knowledge. How it works? You register, choose a course, get marks for passing it, test your knowledge during tests. The teacher can create his course and start to supervise the “class”, a group of people who have chosen your course. That's it, a brief excursion into our world of algorithms. Thank you for your attention.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
I am not sharing database now. Create your own one. All this information will be hidden.
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-server-dev
psql -V
create user gda2048 with password 'algolearn';
alter role gda2048 set client_encoding to 'utf8';
alter role gda2048 set default_transaction_isolation to 'read committed';
alter role gda2048 set timezone to 'UTC';
create database algo_learn_psql owner gda2048;
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'algo_learn_psql',
'USER': 'gda2048',
'PASSWORD': 'algolearn',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '5432',
for using admin panel .../admin/
python3.7 createsuperuser
'Username': 'gda2048'
'email': '[email protected]'
'password': 'algolearn'
in algo_deep repo:
heroku login
heroku git:remote algo2048demo
git push heroku dev:master # pushing