Rain Gauge is a tool to simplify the process of collecting detailed information from mysql database servers when specific conditions are triggered. Collections are packaged and centralised in one place, with a convenient web interface to let you explore the data easily. This tool uses a modified version of the percona toolkit script pt-stalk to handle collecting data from remote servers.
Installation consists of two parts: setting up the web interface, and setting up the collector.
Installation of the web interface is super simple! Just clone the RainGauge project in the document root of your webserver:
git clone git://github.com/box/RainGauge.git
There are a few things to configure in the conf/config.inc.php file if you want, but those arent't necessary
The collection scripts are a bit more involved. You'll want to create a separate user account in mysql. You'll also need to customise a couple of the scripts to put in the address of the web server where you installed the web interface, and change and options you may want to send to pt-stalk. Then you'll install a service and start it.
cp RainGauge/scripts/raingauge_package_and_send.sh /usr/bin/
cp RainGauge/scripts/pt-stalk-raingauge /usr/bin/
vi /usr/bin/raingauge_package_and_send.sh
Now change SERVER='' to be the web server where you installed the interface. The collection script will do a http post to copy collected data to a central location
mysql -uroot -e "GRANT PROCESS, SUPER ON *.* TO 'raingauge'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SuperSecurePass'"
cp RainGauge/scripts/raingauge_rc /etc/raingauge_rc
cp RainGauge/scripts/raingauge_service /etc/init.d/raingauge
vi /etc/raingauge_rc
Edit the following line to use the same password you created for the mysql user:
sudo service raingauge start
You will probably want to clean up old collections after a while, try 2 days to start:
[[ -d /www/RainGauge/collected/ ]] && find /www/RainGauge/collected/ -mindepth 1 -mtime +2 -exec rm -rf {} \;