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The weather forecaster app is an web based application to get weather updates and forecast, like temperature in both units (Celsius, Faranheit), expected climate changes, wind speed and much more.
- Application Development
- API calls
- Git based deployment (heroku client)
🔸Tools & Technologies:
- Python
- Streamlit
- Open Weather Map
- Matplotlib
- Conda Environment
- Heroku
- Git Bash
- Getting weather forecast using Open Weather API
- City name and zip-code based querying
- Parameters: Temperature, Wind speed, Cloud coverage, Sunrise & Sunset time, Graphical forecast (line & bar graph)
🔸Installation Guide:
- To install streamlit:
pip install streamlit
- To install pyowm:
pip install pyowm
- To install matplotlib:
pip install matplotlib
Contributions are always welcomed. Make sure you read the Contribution info