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Releases: gaucho-matrero/altoclef

Altoclef v0.4.1a

16 Apr 01:41
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Updated Minecraft to 1.18.2 and added a few optimizations

Download baritone-unoptimized-fabric-1.18.2.jar from here, but for the altoclef jar PLEASE USE NIGHTLY INSTEAD

1.18 & More

03 Feb 01:05
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Ported to 1.18, with some other fun features

What's Changed

  • NEW @deposit and @stash command (See usage here)
  • Uses Recipe Book for Crafting (Should see BIG Crafting speedups. Disable feature with this setting)
  • @gamer Loot ruined portals; also stop using avoidance when vunerable by @SnivyLlama in #187
  • @gamer Fast travel improvements by @JamesGreen31 in #195
  • @gamer Loot desert temples & get to outer end islands by @SnivyLlama in #191
  • @gamer Better Dragon Breath avoidance
  • 1.18.1 Migration help by @DarkReaper231 in #192 and
  • Pick up items a bit faster after mining them
  • Make bot drop items less while crafting (still happens with inventory crafting, might be fixed later if ppl complain about it)
  • Make bot more likely to craft furnaces/crafting tables if the closest one is far away
  • Various bug fixes+tweaks

New Contributors

"Mr Clean" Faster Block Tracking Release

23 Jan 00:47
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Faster block tracking

By sheer luck, smacking the world scanning with a wrench haphazardly somehow did this

In some cases the improvement is from like 8 minutes to 8 seconds

(Thanks to Seasons for helping me test this out)

"Mr. Clean" Release HOTFIX

22 Jan 17:43
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For Minecraft 1.17.x

Fixed a ton of bugs, mostly related to the speedrun task.

Remember: to intstall, UNZIP this release into your .minecraft/mods folder. And make sure there is no other instance of altoclef or baritone in there!

The "Mr. Clean" Release

19 Jan 01:56
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For Minecraft 1.17.x

Many fixes + cleanups.

Bug fixes

  • @give and butler messaging now works!
  • Fix "Bod can't hurt ender dragon"
  • Fix "Digging straight down into lava when mining"
  • Ctrl+K now works as a "STOP" shortcut even while the bot is interrupted
  • Fix "Mine block surrounded by vines softlock"
  • Fix bug tasks sometimes get "reset" after being interrupted (by mobs for example)
  • When interacting with entities, their name will show up (ex. minecraft.entity.chicken) instead of a random hash string

New Features

  • Merged Meloweh's Baritone fixes
    • More reliable building
    • Internal baritone "unstucking" and softlock fixing
    • tons of really useful small things!!
  • Multiple settings files with better default parameters (Check the .minecraft/altoclef directory)
  • You can run multiple commands one after the other by separating commands with ; : (ex. @get iron_ingot ; goto 0 0 ; idle)
  • "idleCommand" setting: Runs a command by default (useful when paired with Butler. For example: set it to follow <your username> to make the bot follow you around when it's not doing anything)
  • BeatMinecraft/@gamer improvements
    • Sleeps through night (thanks to James Green for pushing this one)
    • Hangs on to crafting table
    • Hunts enderman in warped forest instead of piglin trading (configurable in .minecraft/altoclef/configs/beat_minecraft.json)
    • Uncooked food will be cooked (also configurable in same file mentioned above)
    • "Tower + Ender Pearl" strategy in end is more reliable
    • Fix variety of softlocks
  • Barrels, furnaces, other containers are checked for when grabbing resources.
  • Oceans are avoided when searching for blocks (setting configurable)
  • Fire is put out with fist + water + buckets when on fire (setting configurable)
  • Slightly better lava escaping
  • Various internal code improvements

Mr. Clean Release: Beta

18 Jan 03:06
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Merge branch 'main' into comeback-time

More Bug Fixes

14 Oct 23:49
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Various bug fixes, just to keep things up to date.

EDIT: After downloading this, please upgrade to the nightly release.

(Sorry for the confusion, things should get back on track soon)

1.17 Bug Fixes

19 Sep 19:01
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Fixed many bugs brought about by the 1.17 release.


  • Include Deepslate ores
  • Bot no longer force-runs away from mobs after getting interrupted by fireballs/arrows
  • Improve escaping lava considerably
  • Fix incorrect fermented spider eye + ender chest cataloging
  • Fix terminator not attacking players due to it positioning itself too far away
  • Various code improvements, mostly just adopting Java 16 features

Note: For beating the game the bot still fails to land hits on the ender dragon. This will be addressed when the BeatMinecraft task is redesigned.

1.17 + Switched to Baritone

03 Sep 01:06
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Big Changes:

2.5th Beta Release (bug fixes)

10 Aug 03:03
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Fix two bugs:

  • Food smelting got stuck making raw foods
  • Crafting/Smelting/anything with a container won't spam-place containers if you have multiple in your inventory.