v0.1.0 - Pixel display with buttons and logo
So I am not sure how you'd send the compiled binary to the micro:bit v2. The instructions on their site say you should be able to drag and drop it. However I have not tried this at all, and usually just run cargo embed --release
This version of retris-mb
, aka Rust Tetris for the micro:bit v2, does the following:
- Control falling piece by pressing A to move left, B to move right, and touch the logo to rotate it
- Clear lines once they're full
- Lose the game if you fill a column on the pixel display
It cannot:
- Keep score and count line clears
- Use full sized regular Tetrominos
- Use an attached screen to the micro:bit v2
- Use the accelerometer for tilt controls
Full Changelog: https://github.com/gatlinnewhouse/retris-mb/commits/v0.1.0