medici is a tool for combinatorial test generation based on the use of Multiple-Valued Decision Diagrams
Tested on Windows with Cygwin and Linux (Ubuntu)
- place the source code of MEDDLY (we use the latest svn version of MEDDLY) in folder medici/meddly_svn and perform the required steps to compile and install it. Make sure to have, at the end, the file meddly_svn/lib/libmeddly.a.
- You need gmp (for meddly) and boost (program_options).
- From the medici directory, execute
mkdir build
to create a temporary directory, executecd build
,cmake ..
, and finally runmake
. Alternatively runruncmake.txt
in the main dir. The executable file is produced under build directory.
- The binaries for cygwin can be found here. You will need boost_program_options and gmp dynamic libraries installed.
- The binaries for linux can be found here. Also in this case you will need boost_program_options and gmp dynamic libraries installed.
- We will provide binaries for other platforms soon.
Supposing on Windows, from Cygwin command line:
Example: medici.exe --m ../examples/apache.medici
Help description: medici.exe --help
, which produces the following quick manual as output:
--help produce help message
--casa set input in casa format
--m arg set model file name
--o arg set output file name
--c arg set constraints file name, only for casa mode
--actsconv enable acts model conversion mode
--mname arg set model name for acts mode
--validate validating model mode
--autovalidate autovalidate model
--silent be silent
--donotgenerate build mdds but do not generate test suite
--mintries arg set mintries [1]
--tries arg set max tries [1]
--bettertries arg set number of better tries [1]
--noqueuecheck disable check the queue for early termination
--nit1 arg set iterations over threshold [1]
--nit2 arg set iterations under threshold [2]
--threshold arg set threshold [2000]
--wexp arg set weight exponent over threshold [1]
--wexp2 arg set weight exponent under threshold [1.5]
It accepts CASA input format to describe a combinatorial model. It also accepts constraints in free form (not necessarily CNF) expressed in Polish Inverse Notation.
- Example input file in CASA format:
6 4 3 3
The input of the model without constraints accepts at the first line the parameter t for the t-wise coverage criterium. In the second line it is defined the number of parameters P of the model, that are then singularly defined in the following line, with the number of values they can assume (their cardinality). The tool then generates internally the list T of the tuples to cover. To define the values of the single parameters in the constraints and in the output file, it is used the same syntax of CASA, so 0 is assigned to the value of the first parameter, and so on following the order in which the parameters are inserted in the model.
- Example input file in medici format:
6 4 3 3
0 6 * −
2 3 4 5 + + + 6 * −
2 4 + 9 * −
3 5 + 13 14 + * −
The first three lines of the input file are the same of the CASA format. The following lines expresses the constraints on the model. The first line of them contains the number C of constraints. The following C lines contain the constraints, in Polish Reverse Notation using the operators:
Operator Symbol | Meaning |
* | AND |
+ | OR |
- | NOT |
In the example above, there are 4 constraints. The first one, 0 6 * −
is equivalent to NOT (0 AND 6)
, which means NOT (Parameter1.Value1 AND Parameter2.Value1)
Example of output:
CARD: 1 6 tuples weight: 1103.61 [ 1 0 2 2 --> T]
CARD: 1 6 tuples weight: 857.797 [ 0 0 1 0 --> T]
CARD: 1 4 tuples weight: 515.296 [ 0 0 2 1 --> T]
CARD: 1 6 tuples weight: 579.534 [ 0 2 0 2 --> T]
CARD: 1 5 tuples weight: 369.288 [ 1 2 1 0 --> T]
CARD: 1 6 tuples weight: 288.588 [ 1 1 0 1 --> T]
CARD: 1 4 tuples weight: 113.824 [ 2 0 2 0 --> T]
CARD: 1 5 tuples weight: 102.471 [ 2 2 1 1 --> T]
CARD: 1 5 tuples weight: 40.3765 [ 2 1 1 2 --> T]
CARD: 1 3 tuples weight: 9.02458 [ 0 1 0 0 --> T]
CARD: 1 2 tuples weight: 2 [ 2 0 0 0 --> T]
Tuple coperte: 52 Tuple da coprire: 0 Tuple non copribili: 2
Ottenuti: 11 mdd
Tempo per ordinamenti: 0ms
time execution script 15ms
In folder examples are present several examples.
Most of the implementation work has been done by Dario Corna for his master thesis. Angelo Gargantini and Paolo Vavassori supervised his thesis. Marco Radavelli ported the code to cmake. For problems, contact Angelo Gargantini
If you use this tool for academic research, please cite: Efficient Combinatorial Test Generation based on Multivalued Decision Diagrams (Gargantini, Angelo, and Vavassori, Paolo) in Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing, Haifa Verification Conference HVC 2014 (Eds. Yahav, Eran) Springer International Publishing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 8855 (2014): 220-235 ISBN 978-3-319-13337-9
author="Gargantini, Angelo and Vavassori, Paolo",
editor="Yahav, Eran",
title="Efficient Combinatorial Test Generation Based on Multivalued Decision Diagrams",
bookTitle="Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 10th International Haifa Verification Conference, HVC 2014, Haifa, Israel, November 18-20, 2014. Proceedings",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",