Title: R Notebook
The R Notebook is a plugin for the octopress (http://octopress.org) blogging system as well as stylesheets and scripts to support a notebook-style of interacting with R to help with report generation and reproducable research. The idea is that text and layout is handled by multimarkdown (http://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/) while computation is handled by R. The scripts use the knitr package (http://yihui.name/knitr/) to process the embedded R code.
The knit_markdown.R
script can be called independently as one can
pipe a source file using stdin and stdout redirection, for example,
for viewing in an external previewer such as Marked (http://markedapp.com/).
- Make your own clone of this repository
- Install R from CRAN (http://cran.r-project.org/)
- Follow the octopress setup instructions at http://octopress.org/docs/setup/
- Run
rake preview
to start the octopress preview server - Make sure the demo page looks ok at http://localhost:4000/blog/2012/07/20/demo-page/.
- Enjoy!
- Collapsable code panels
- Interactively change plots
- Interactively add code directly on page