I decided to initial focus on the backend as my most recent role was as a React Developer and I wanted to check how rusty I was with Scala. For me, Scala was going to be the harder part of the challenge. As a consequence, I have not spent much time on the frontend as I would have liked to yet, I plan to finish it this weekend.
- Testing frontend
- Make frontend pretty
- I should have used a mobile first responsive approach but stupidly didn't. This needs to be fixed.
- double check back-end code and consider design choices
- Some repo names are too long and I need to address this. Forexample "ReallyReallyReallyLongName" could be changed to "ReallyReally..."
- Details page needs real data
- I want to relook at how I did the encoding and decoding as I think there is a better way.
- Respository Model should have an uuid.
- Spend more time on testing
- React
- TypeScript
- React-Router-v6
- Scala
- HTTP4s
- Tagless-final
- ciris
- circe
- See README.md files in frontend and backed folders