Working my way to creating an version of Ragnarok Online that runs a genetic algorithm. lol. Check out the journey at:
- inspired by: The Coding Train's
- inspired by:
- The Coding Train's
- emgoz's
- Bart van Dooren's
- stela zhang's
- phyces'
- Geoff. S. Nitschke and Leo. H. Langenhoven's Neuro-Evolution for Competitive Co-evolution of Biologically Canonical Predator and Prey Behaviors (
- implemented using pybrain and pygame
- pybrain:
- pygame:
- Most of the implementations I found were on Java or C. That being said, it was quite a challenge to make pygame work. lol.
- Notes (or questions I was able to answer through study):
- Important to understand the difference of a normal feedforward neural net (with backprop) and a feedforward neural net that is optimized using genetic algorithms/neuroevolution.
- What does it mean to evolve a neural net based on optimal behavior?
- Is genome always a list when being subjected to crossovers? or can different parts of the genome have its own individual crossover instance?
- Are there different ways of doing natural selection, generation, crossover, and mutation?
- How should the fitness function be created to steer agents towards a certain direction of optimal behavior?
- Steering is currently brute forced... will have to be revised.