Custom extensions of Zend Framework 1:
- base URL property populated in each form element, used by AJAX-based form elements such as ZendX_JQuery_Form_Element_AutoComplete:
- Fz_Form
- sub-form label available as attribute:
- Fz_Form_SubForm
- unsuitable decorators removed from the following form elements:
- Fz_Form_Element_Hash
- Fz_Form_Element_Hidden
- Fz_Form_Element_Submit
- resource loader for custom resource, e.g. traits:
- Fz_Resource_Resourceloader
- data validation (existence check) against database:
- Fz_Validate_Db_RecordsExist
- Fz_Validate_Db_JsonRecordsExist
- Fz_Validate_NotIdentical
Add the repository to composer.json and require the package:
"repositories": [
"url": "",
"type": "git"
"require": {
"francescozanoni/zf1-extensions": "^1.0"
add source folder to application's library folder
add the following settings to application.ini:
includePaths.library = "/path/to/application/library" autoloadernamespaces[] = "Fz_"