A minimal online application to interact with Discord webhooks easily
The application is reachable on webhook.yagiz.dev. While it only has the ability to send simple messages for now, I'm planning to integrate more advanced use cases like file uploads, embeds, and possibly more. I used jQuery, Font Awesome and Bootstrap in this project.
Feel free to create pull requests and issues, I'll check them. If you have any questions, reach me over my socials or [email protected].
For now, here is a short list of what's probably coming in the not-so-near future:
- file uploads
- dark mode
- embeds
- twemoji support for preview
- next.js, maybe? (might have to move to Vercel then)
- better preview, previewing the icon, message, username, everything in Discord's style
- retreive details automatically from webhook's predefined defaults (maybe attempt to do that automatically)
- see if I can drop jQuery
- dark mode toggle
- UI rewrite with Tailwind
- more services?
- migrate to TypeScript