Create a basic job listing board, with infinite scroll.
Both of these user stories should be possible.
- Can see a list of jobs
- Can apply for a job
- Jobs they applied for are marked as "applied"
- Can post a job
- Can see jobs they posted (as well as others)
- Can see everyone who applied to jobs they posted
- Can additionally see a list of GitHub jobs in the sidebar.
- Job Listing Form
- Title
- Category
- Budget
- Description
- Job Listing Table
- Show all relevant data from form
- Indicate if a user applied
- Infinite scroll
- Job Listing - Users who applied
- Show available user info & when they applied
- Sidebar
- List 10 Github jobs (from Jobs API)
Note: The use of additional packages is perfectly fine and in some cases encouraged, as long as they fall under the MIT license
- React
- Redux
- Redux Saga
- Firebase
- Firestore: data storage
- Authentication: user authentication
- Material UI
- Used for building your UI components
- First and foremost, have fun and leave your mark on the project!
- Find a good use for firebase functions and/or any other server side function using express
- Use react-router
- Make sure the data persists
- Implement a "next" button in sidebar, to see the next 10 GH Jobs
- Customize material ui theme