Bored and Brews is an app that allows users to search for fun activities to defeat boredom, as well as find popular local breweries. The app has a user friendly interface that provides easy activity category selection and simple city searching. Bored and Brews allows users to schedule their selected activity and brewery in a weekly calendar.
- Bulma
- JavaScript
- Bored API
- Open Brewery DB API
If you would like to access the code for this project, please visit this GitHub repository.
Bored and Brews has the following functionalities:
- Clickable days
- Modal to search for random activities based on interest
- Clickable activities to add to calendar
- Search bar to look for breweries based on city
- Clickable breweries to add to calendar
- Local storage that will save activites and breweries and reset the calendar every monday
The link to the Bored and Brews application is provided below:
The creation of Bored and Brews was made possible by the contributions of Matthew Foster, Yin Qin, Sammi Moore, and Elle Knapp. Below is a breakdown of each person's role and contribution for this project:
Matthew Foster: JavaScript, CSS, design
Yin Qin: bulma, CSS styling, images, layout, design
Sammi Moore: JavasScript, HTML, CSS, Bulma
Elle Knapp: JavaScript, localstorage, HTML layout, CSS styling, Bulma
- Images:
- Bulma CSS framework
- Font Awesome
- Bored API
- Open Brewerey DP API