Front-end Bootstrap + JQuery.
Create user view only, Read, Update and Delete should make from Postman or another Tool.
GET localhost/api/users get all users
GET localhost/api/users/1 get user id 1
POST localhost/api/users create user
DELETE localhost/api/users/1 soft delete user 1
1- Clone the repo
2- Run: service mysql stop AND service apache2 stop
3- Enter to the project folder
4- Run: composer install AND npm install
5- Run: cp .env.example .env
6- Run: docker-compose up -d
7- Run: php artisan key:generate
8- The project should start in http://localhost
8.1- If you have permissions problems run: sudo chown www-data:www-data storage/ -R
9- Enter to the webserver container: docker-composer exec webserver bash
10- Run: php artisan migrate AND php artisan db:seed