Problem: webservice dymo usable only in localhost:port
Solution: make server who call localhost:port (fr)
- Windows OS
- Install DLS 8.5.3
- Install WebService Beta 2
- Start Webservice, in notification "Configure", enable "Use single port", and set port to 41951.
- Install Visual C++ Redistributable 64 or 32bits
- Install Wamp or via sourceForge
- Enable php_curl extension (by default is enable)
- Put online WampServer.
- Open port 80
- Allow extern, wamp > Apache > httpd.conf replace :
By :# onlineoffline tag - don't remove Require local
# onlineoffline tag - don't remove Require all granted
- Copy git/server/dymo.php to wamp/www
- Copy git/client/DYMO.Label.Framework.2.0.2_edited.js in your project
dymo.label.framework.init('http://yourip/dymo.php?', function(){
/* === classic function - Framework === */
/* --- exemple print label (barcode) --- */
var text = '123456789';
var labelXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DieCutLabel Version="8.0" Units="twips">
<PaperName>30321 Large Address</PaperName>
<RoundRectangle X="0" Y="0" Width="2025" Height="5020" Rx="270" Ry="270" />
<ForeColor Alpha="255" Red="0" Green="0" Blue="0" />
<BackColor Alpha="0" Red="255" Green="255" Blue="255" />
<TextFont Family="Arial" Size="14" Bold="True" Italic="False" Underline="False" Strikeout="False" />
<CheckSumFont Family="Arial" Size="14" Bold="True" Italic="False" Underline="False" Strikeout="False" />
<QuietZonesPadding Left="0" Top="0" Right="0" Bottom="0" />
<Bounds X="332" Y="120" Width="4335" Height="1720" />
var label = dymo.label.framework.openLabelXml(labelXml);
var printers = dymo.label.framework.getPrinters();
if (printers.length == 0)
throw "No DYMO printers are installed. Install DYMO printers.";
var printerName = "";
for (var i = 0; i < printers.length; ++i){
var printer = printers[i];
if (printer.printerType == "LabelWriterPrinter"){
printerName =;
if (printerName == "")
throw "No LabelWriter printers found. Install LabelWriter printer";
// finally print the label
- Open: http://localhost/dymo.php?/DYMO/DLS/Printing/StatusConnected > "true"
- Open: http://yourip/dymo.php?/DYMO/DLS/Printing/StatusConnected > "true"
- Edit dymo.php, line 5
$port = 41951; // by your port