A collection of miscellaneous stuff about Asp.Net: small sample projects, demos, code snippets, etc.
A simple example about using OWIN authentication without Asp.Net identity.
The web-app uses Google and Microsoft authentication.
There is also a custom extension for adding roles and storing user information in a fake database.
- Starting from Owin 4.1.0, autethentication only works on https connections: aspnet/AspNetKatana#341 (comment)
- old application seem not working with Owin 4.0.0 - aspnet/AspNetKatana#212
- Google Developer Console - https://console.developers.google.com
- Microsoft Application Registration Portal - https://apps.dev.microsoft.com/
- How to setup MSFT application: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/social/microsoft-logins
Sample about how to modify/inject values in web.config <appSettings>
and <connectionStrings>
at application start-up.
To automatically run the code, there are two options:
- use the PreApplicationStartMethod attribute on the web-application assembly
- call the code from global.asax --> Application_Start
Web API 2 sample application. It contatins only required libraries. Swagger installed for debug / testing. Apis:
- Car : classic get, post, put, delete
- Operations : "operation" style, to mimic soap services operations
- Data : ...
Render MD files from GitHub using Markdig and show in asp.net page
Using javascript to upload big files to asp.net website, dividing files in variable length chunks, dynamically adapting to available bandwidth. Details here: AspNet big files - README.md