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How to Add a New Section to geoApi

Aly Merchant edited this page Nov 24, 2015 · 4 revisions

If a new "section" or file containing a specific function set needs to be added to the geoApi, these steps should be followed.

  1. A new file should be added in the src folder. Pick an appropriate name with a .js extension.
  2. See the sample below on how to set up the file contents. TODO mention any appropriate headers, file styles
  3. Add your code!
  4. Ensure functions that will be public in the API are written with a wrapper function that will inject the ESRI API bundle and return an object of functions using the bundle. TODO link to architecture doc on the bundle and wrapping functions with it.
  5. Ensure the file and/or functions have appropriate documentation so they are reflected in the API Docs
  6. Have index.js access the file using const <myNewModule> = require('./<myFileName.js>');.
  7. Call the new initializer functions in index.js, function initAll so that the new functions are exposed to geoApi users.

Sample file

// node modules use require() calls for dependencies
// require('proj4') will search for a module named proj4
// require('./proj.js') will search for a file in the current directory
// all dependencies should be const
'use strict';
const proj4 = require('proj4');

// methods can be written normally
// with module scoping these will be limited to the file in which
// they are declared: no IIFEs required to avoid polluting global scope
 * Reproject an EsriExtent object on the client.  Does not require network
 * traffic, but may not handle conversion between projection types as well.
 * Internally it tests 8 points along each edge and takes the max extent
 * of the result.
 * @param {EsriExtent} the extent to reproject
 * @param {object} the target spatial reference (if a number it
 *                 will be treated as a WKID)
 * @returns {object} an extent as an unstructured object
function localProjectExtent(extent, sr) {

    // interpolates two points by splitting the line in half recursively
    function interpolate(p0, p1, steps) {
        if (steps === 0) { return [p0, p1]; }

        let mid = [(p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2];
        if (steps === 1) {
            return [p0, mid, p1];
        if (steps > 1) {
            let i0 = interpolate(p0, mid, steps - 1);
            let i1 = interpolate(mid, p1, steps - 1);
            return i0.concat(i1.slice(1));

    const points = [[extent.xmin, extent.ymin], [extent.xmax, extent.ymin],
                    [extent.xmax, extent.ymax], [extent.xmin, extent.ymax],
                    [extent.xmin, extent.ymin]];
    let interpolatedPoly = [];
    let srcProj;

    // interpolate each edge by splitting it in half 3 times (since lines are not guaranteed to project to lines we need to consider
    // max / min points in the middle of line segments)
    [0, 1, 2, 3]
        .map(i => interpolate(points[i], points[i + 1], 3).slice(1))
        .forEach(seg => interpolatedPoly = interpolatedPoly.concat(seg));

    // find the source extent (either from wkid or wkt)
    if (extent.spatialReference.wkid) {
        srcProj = 'EPSG:' + extent.spatialReference.wkid;
    } else if (extent.spatialReference.wkt) {
        srcProj = extent.spatialReference.wkt;
    } else {
        throw new Error('No WKT or WKID specified on extent.spatialReference');

    // find the destination extent
    let destProj = sr;
    if (typeof destProj === 'object') {
        destProj = 'EPSG:' + destProj.wkid;
    } else if (typeof destProj === 'number') {
        destProj = 'EPSG:' + destProj;

    if (!proj4.defs(srcProj)) {
        return null;
    const projConvert = proj4(srcProj, destProj);
    const transformed = => projConvert.forward(x));

    const xvals = => x[0]);
    const yvals = => x[1]);

    const x0 = Math.min.apply(null, xvals);
    const x1 = Math.max.apply(null, xvals);

    const y0 = Math.min.apply(null, yvals);
    const y1 = Math.max.apply(null, yvals);

    return { x0, y0, x1, y1, sr };

// functions that are dependent on the ESRI API should be wrapped
// by a builder/factory, these builder should be invoked on initialization
function projectEsriExtentBuilder(esriBundle) {
    return (extent, sr) => {
        const p = localProjectExtent(extent, sr);
        return new esriBundle.EsriExtent(p.x0, p.y0, p.x1, p.y1,;

// every module should declare its exports as a function which
// accepts the ESRI API bundle and returns an object defining
// its exposed methods
module.exports = function (esriBundle) {
    return {
        localProjectExtent: localProjectExtent,
        projectEsriExtent: projectEsriExtentBuilder(esriBundle)

Skeleton file

/* Appropriate file level comments */
module.exports = function (esriBundle) {
        /* return object for use in index.js  */
        return {
            /* function level comments */
            doSomething: function(options) {          
                //function logic here
                return esriBundle.doSomethingElse(options);
            apiThing: esriBundle.apiThing