A business layer and JAX-RS resource classes for managing EHRI data.
Integrates with the Neo4j graph database via a server plugin.
The raison d'être of the EHRI web service backend is to make the job of the front-end easier by performing the following functions:
- serialising and deserialising domain-specific object graphs
- handling cascade-delete scenarios for objects that are dependent on one another
- calculating and enforcing access control and action-based permissions on both individual items and item-classes in two hierarchical dimensions: user/group roles, and parent-child scopes
- maintaining an audit log of all data-mutating actions, with support for idempotent updates
- providing a GraphQL API
- providing an OAI-PMH repository
For documentation (a work-in-progress, but better than nothing) see the docs:
- All the docs
- Installing and running from the code repository
- Importing data
- Writing management scripts
For getting up and running quickly, Docker is the recommended approach. A local server can be started on port 7474 and an administrative user account "mike" with the following command:
sudo docker run --publish 7474:7474 --env ADMIN_USER=mike -it ehri/ehri-rest