ScalaBridge is a fun environment where you'll learn Scala irrespective of your background.
The objective is to contribute to an inclusive Scala community with introductory programming workshops for underrepresented groups.
This project helps you get started quickly:
For other simple intro and setting up Editors and tools:
Great Scala support on. For additional help see Initial Setup:
Familiarize yourself with SBT, the Scala Build Tool.
$ sbt
Useful commands in SBT:
- compile: Compiles your code for syntactic and type correctness
- run: Executes your programs
- console: Provides and interactive REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) where you can interactively type commands
- test: Runs unit tests
- testOnly "package.Class" Runs a particular test. e.g. scalabridge.week3.RegexSuite
From the console, you'll have all imports ready (including many you don't often need)
To run a demo of Doodle, consider the following, via SBT > Console:
scala> (
You should see a window popup. Try changing the color or the size. Remember to close the window(s) since they can block each other.
You can exit the console using
scala> :quit