The Debian 20.04 Compliance application is designed to harden the Ubuntu 20.04 live server according to the CIS Ubuntu Linux 20.04 benchmark (version 2.0.1 - 06-29-2023). The application focuses on hardening services, UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall), PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), software patching, and CLI warning banners.
- Hardening of system services
- Configuration of UFW
- Strengthening of PAM configurations
- Automated software patching
- CLI warning banners
- Software Upgrades & Patch management
To execute the application, run the following command on the terminal with sudo privilege:
sudo python3
- Users interact with the application through the terminal or CLI.
- For Ubuntu 20.04 workstations, a GUI prototype is available and under testing.
The application requires Dos2unix, which is automatically installed during the application execution.
Users have both automatic and manual configuration options within the script, aligning with the CIS benchmark.
Use cases for running the application include hardening company-used Ubuntu live servers for specific purposes, with the flexibility for clients to bypass controls to maintain business operations.
To test the application, deploy it on a Ubuntu 20.04 live server using a virtualization platform such as VMware Workstation.
Currently, the project is not open to external contributions.
This project is not released under any specific license.
For support or bug reporting, there are no specified channels at the moment.
Special thanks to the following projects:
- fernandonaime/cisufw20.04compliance
- AvinashRa1/ccproject
- shenalsw/script
- Heshan316/CC-Assign2
The project is under constant development, addressing identified issues through thorough testing.