Hi, this is my simple single player sudoku game built using pygame. To use: import the play function from the Sudoku_game module. Then provide a delay to be used during the visualization of the final auto-solving process. It is recommended for the delay to be in the range(0, 0.0005). Further instructions on how to play the game will be outputted to the Console window. They will also be printed below:
from Sudoku_game import play
# plays the game
- Sometimes the puzzle can take a couple seconds when you launch the game in which case it would be advised to be patient or simply restart the game. Often restarting does the trick.
- During the auto-solving phase it is highly advised to minimize the amount of keyboard or mouse inputs that are given to the game since during this phase it is performing a relatively more CPU-intensive task
Please notify of any issues with the game by opening a pull request.
© Furkan T. Ercevik