Sales system developed with DDD (Domain Driven Design), Clean Architecture and Clean Code practices.
The project uses the following practices/technologies:
- DDD:
- Unit Tests: Xunit
- Integration Tests: MVC Testing
- Design Patterns: Mediator is used to handle domain events
- Repository: Entity Framework and SQL Server
- Validations: Fluent Validation
WebApp (User Interface)
- Controllers
- ViewModels
Application (Defines the jobs the software is supposed to do and directs the expressive domain objects to work out problems. It does not contain business rules or knowledge)
- Services
- ViewModels
- Commands (Initiate a new order)
- Queries (Get orders)
Data (Persistence)
- Repository
- Database Context
Domain (Business Rules)
- Domain Classes
- Domain Services
- Repository Interfaces
Project based on the course below: