Version from June. 6. 2019 by Felix Bernauer
The script "" can be used to deramp BlueSeis data recorded before Feb. 20. 2018. It processes a single channel. Day-files (or shorter) in miniseed-format can be processed.
command to execute ./ -F test_data/test_HJ1.mseed -R test_data/test_YR1.mseed -O test_data/deramped/ -l 7500 -o 0 -m 10 #################################################################
The script "" can be used to process BlueSeis data recorded after Feb. 20. 2018. It processes three channels. First, the traces are rotated using the rotation matrix file. Second, the deramping is done for every single trace. Third, the traces are rotated back.
command to execute ./ -F test_data/test_HJ1.mseed test_data/test_HJ2.mseed test_data/test_HJ3.mseed -R test_data/test_YR1.mseed test_data/test_YR2.mseed test_data/test_YR3.mseed -O test_data/deramped/ -l 7500 -o 0 -m 10 -M test_data/rotation_matrix.txt
The directory "notebooks" contains a Jupyter notebook that demonstrates how the deramping works.
The directory "test_data" contains data examples (Fog-data and ramp-data) that is needed to run the scripts and the notebook, as well as a rotation matrix file.
The directory "plots" contains plots demonstrating the output of "". The plots can be reproduced running the script "".