This repo contains my configurations for NeoVim and Plugins setup using the Lazy package manager, LSP setup using Masonry and nvim-lsp with some other handy configs.
Installing these configs will turn your neovim into a full-featured IDE (for python and JS)
- fzf
- fd
- ripgrep
- lazygit
- tmux
- neovim
- tmuxifier
- harpoon to mark files and easily jump to them
- nvim-cmp for autocompletion
- floaterm + Vimtest to run tests in a floating window
- lspimport to auto import stuff that was declared
- noice to show vim command line like spotlight search in Mac
- scrolleof for extra space at the end of the file when you have scrolled to the bottom
- numToStr/Comment to easily comment/uncomment lines
- Dressing for ... stuff